Little Conversations.

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Once camp had been set, a meeting was held.

"So Say'ri what were you suggesting on our campaign?" You asked

"Are you willing to hear a tale? This may be a minute or two." Say'ri answered

"Of course go ahead." Chrom responded

Now, during ancient times of the Hero-King we worshipped Naga that is to say her oracle, her offspring Lady Tiki or as many of us call it... The Voice. She is the divine dragon, as strong as she was in the past, she slept for thousands of years but she will be at her peak of strength. She however was captured during her sleep but she was to be freed." Say'ri explained

"So what you're saying is... If we break her out, The Voice can help us? Where could the Conqueror keep her?" You asked

"As I've been told there is a shrine upon the divine Mila tree. A tree that is much different compared to normal ones... We would be mere ants at its roots." Say'ri answered

"Ok there we have it... We've a Oracle to save! Let's prepare ourselves..." Chrom settled this meeting

*later that day*

Chrom had been training once again as he seen Lucina walking up to him. With a training sword in hand.

"Lucina. I see you're here." Chrom spoke

"Yes! I'm ready when you are!" Lucina was ready to spar

*one session later*

"That's enough for one day. You never quit hm?" Chrom asked

"Of course how else would I be just as brave as you? Thank you again Father!" Lucina smiled

"I believe you got you sense of bravery from the both of us. But anyway it's still mind boggling of the whole fatherhood..." Chrom answered as he took a seat

"Oh... um perhaps it's because you don't like it?" Lucina questioned as she doubted it

"No! Far from it! It's just I struggle with reality of it... Please keep that a secret between us. Don't tell your mother." Chrom corrected

"*giggles* You always were the secret teller to me as a child. And I was always your little keeper. Though I always wanted to know this..." Lucina told

"What would that be?" Chrom asked

"How you met mother of course! I always wanted to know the reason of how you and Mother are so close! Even in the future you NEVER stopped loving her! I'd love to hear this story!" Lucina awaited

"Huh?! Uh... Maybe another time... We wouldn't embrace in court would we?!" Chrom shuddered as he felt his face growing warm as he asked this question

"Oh... It was very VERY subtle but I seen it! And many other things! With a few exceptions because I wasn't allowed in at times... I was only a child!" Lucina laughed

"Gods... Am I really that clingy?!" Chrom asked himself in a nervous tone

"You have to tell the story!" Lucina begged

"Hard pass." Chrom declined trying to keep his wits

"Ok then... How about this, I challenge you to duel me, if I win you tell me. You win and you get to hold that dirty little secret for all time. Sound fair?" Lucina asked with a devious expression

"*Groans in distraught* Fine. But know that this little secret of mine... Is NOT to be laughed at! You hear me?" Chrom asked

"Ha ha! Ok! Father just you wait! I have something to do with Mother now. I'll be waiting!" Lucina told as she walked off

"Oh Gods... I'm gonna faint." Chrom told to himself as he tried to shake off the thought of losing the bet


"There you are! I was just looking for you." You told a you just were about to exit the tent you strategize in

"Well look no more. Here I am shall we be going?" Lucina asked

"Of course. Let's see if your Mother has potential changes to her wardrobe. I doubt that." You told

"I'll find you something I promise you!" Lucina assured

You and Lucina arrived at the clothing store nearby the town, although it was from Valm it had a vast selection.

"How's this?" Lucina asked as she handed you a garment

"Too shimmery. I don't tend to show off." You answered

"This one?" Lucina tossed the next dress

"Gods... Lucina, it's lacey but... Really? You can see through it. I don't think your Father would like it if I wore something THAT revealing!" You told

"Hm... This is a challenge. And these are only a small amount I picked! Ooh! Look! What about this?" Lucina tried not to give up as she picked up another dress

"Sorry Lucina. I'm not fond of octopus..." You told

"Oh... I'm sorry for dragging you out again... This is a disaster." Lucina felt guilty

"No it's not all that bad I mean. Look what I have!" You showed off what you hand picked

It was baby clothes of all things, one had a small blue bow on it.

"Baby clothes?" Lucina questioned

"I would buy it however I don't want to waste expenses on something like in the midst of war... *sighs sadly* She'd be happy with it. But I can't let this war get me down." You replied while putting the small clothing back in its spot

"We can always come back!" Lucina told

"No it would be a waste of time to stay. Now come on it's getting dark everyone's about to pack it up." You told as you were about to exit the building

"I know you're still thinking of my own happiness... I want to make you happy..." Lucina muttered while she took the baby clothes into her own possession

"Excuse me lass are you going to buy that?" The shopkeep asked while watching people buy his wares

"Yes but do me a favor and wait for me to come pick this up... I want to surprise someone when the time is right." Lucina told

"You got it. I'll make sure no one steals this special cloth, it's the finest thing for a child you'll ever find here! Come again!" The shopkeep spoke highly of it

"Thank you again!" Lucina told while trying to catch up with you to go back to camp

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