Fighting the Risen...

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Chrom soon noticed that you've been acquainted with a few of the shepards...

"Everyone's really friendly!" You told

"Heh heh yeah but there's a few more you haven't met with but they're good comrades of mine!" Chrom replied

"Oh! Captain your back!" Sumia's gloomy expression faded and smiled and she dashed over

But she clumsily fell flat on her face...

"Are you all right Sumia?" You spoke offering your hand to lend her up

"Oh no it's ok Y/N! It happens..." Sumia politely declined

"It never changes does it from new girl to current self, you still are clumsy Sumia..." Chrom told

"*Sigh* Well I guess a new me still has it's quirks!" Sumia softly laughed to herself

"*Ahem* Listen up Shepherds we've been assigned a mission to make rounds with Regna Ferox..." Chrom announced aloud

"Beg pardon but where is this place exactly?" You asked

"Its a unified kingdom north of Ylisse so it will be cold for the most part... most of the people are warriors as we know, we need their help to battle against these foes of ours, however the Exalt cannot go in person herself due to townspeople would worry over my sister's safety, therefore we are to do in her stead... So who will come with?" Chrom asked

"I volunteer! You'll never know when you'll get hurt!" Lissa jumped right in the mission

"Well I suppose I'll use the opportunity to see Regna Ferox and put this tactician role into place!" You told with confidence

"Me too! You're gonna need my good axe to get some action!" Vaike raised his voice in zeal

"I'll go as well... Oh I'm Kellam nice to meet you..." Kellam who was tucked away in the back with only his face being visible from his armor suit

"Um... Captain?" Sumia softly made herself present

"Yes Sumia?" Chrom responded

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for something like combat... I'll just be a burden..." Sumia told

"No you won't unless you make yourself one... So stick to what makes you happy and think of that while fighting ok?" Chrom spoke

"Yes sir! I'll definitely try!" Sumia immediately replied

"Well with good training and support Sumia will get somewhere... From where I see her... Sumia will just keep holding Chrom down..." You muttered silently

Soon you spoke up...

"And you will Sumia! I won't let any of you stray far..." You told aloud

"Thank you Y/N!" Sumia flashed a smile

*The next morning*

Everyone had woken up and rushed to arm themselves to move out to journey to Regna Ferox...

But before moving forward Chrom wanted to check up on you...

"Are you ready Y/N? It'll be a long march to Ferox..." Chrom asked

"Yeah and I made sure everyone is equipped and ready to go so you shouldn't worry too much about everyone else and focus commanding..." You told

"Well good, then I guess I'll leave you to tactics then all right let's-" Chrom was about to start walking forward until someone shouted

"W-Wait for me! Captain Chrom!" A young man called while he and his steed rode up to Chrom

"Stahl? I thought you were here already..." Chrom asked

"What?! Vaike! Did you not tell Stahl that we were ALL leaving?!" Lissa accused

"No, the Vaike never forgets! I just didn't remember until now so cool it squirt..." Vaike answered

"Grr... I swear if you never said your own name each time you speak nowadays you would of forgotten it the 1st day you joined the Shepards! At least we have Y/N here to remind you about getting your axe!" Lissa shouted

"Sheesh you put up a fight! You can stop yapping and pointing out miss magician there! See I got it right here!" Vaike raised his axe in the air

"Ok... now that the... skirmish? Is over with, this is Stahl, Y/N he's a calivar just like Sully..." Chrom introduced

"Glad to meet you Stahl." You answered

"Nice to meet you too Y/N, you know you remind me an awful lot like Miriel, she's actually one of the few mages in our ranks, your a special case though! I heard all about you!" Stahl greeted

"Hm, another calivar I can imagine he'll need someone with high defense magic once we engage magical foes... I better guide him carefully..." You told to yourself

"All NOW we're off!" Chrom commanded everyone to move onward...

It had only been a short time until stopping to see more hordes of the very same monsters from the forest...

Everyone had been stationed at their places until Chrom went to the front of the Shepards to see the monsters himself...

"No... it's just as Phila said the Risen have spread this close to Yisstol?" Chrom told worryingly

"Risen you said? Is this what these monsters are named?" You asked

"Well as there have been no records of such monstrous beings... the council named them due to their deathly nature yet being alive enough to weild weapons..." Frederick answered

"Everyone fend yourselves and do not let any Risen escape!" Chrom commanded

"Enter the Vaike! Let's see how they can stand the axe once I smash them senseless- Uh oh... Chrom we gotta problem! I lost my axe!" Vaike had gotten a bit to careless

"*sigh* Not even for one second I could trust him... All right just stay to the back we'll fend them off, keep searching for it we haven't wondered too far to camp..." Chrom told

"After all the work I did... I better teach this 'teach' a lesson about firmly grasping weapons so he doesn't do it again..." You were already furious at Vaike's carelessness

"Put it off for now Y/N... Let's take out these beasts..." Chrom told

*Battle start*

Everyone except Vaike had engaged with Risen but after a few minutes of fighting a mage shown up to the battlefield, that mage was none other than Miriel...

"Ah it seems I've made it now to exterminate these miscreants, ah an axe for only a fool would leave it here, I suppose I shall hand this back to the owner's hands once and for all, without no hesitantation of disapproval of being appropriately equipped..." Miriel took the axe with magical force

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