War upon Valm...

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The solider saluted while on her pegasus.

"Milord! Valmese ships are approaching! They're filled to the brim with men and excced our own!" The knight reported before departing

"Not good... Y/N Do you have any ideas?" Chrom asked

"For one not charge in blindly but obviously not wait for them to come to us... Gods damn them!" You cursed

"Hey keep your head up Y/N! We just only gotten these wonderful vessals alongside the most precious thing Plegia gave us! Oil." Flavia remarked

"Wait. Oil? I got! Chrom once these Valmese board onto our ship, we have to take down the commander, set our own ship aflame and burn down those ships into the ocean. You! Go alert our ships in the back to stop and wait for the signal!" You told to a pegasus knight standing by

"Yes Milady!" The knight bowed before taking flight

"I see you're in no hurry... Well I can already say this. We're in good hands. Destiny really had its way with us" Chrom chuckled at your leadership

"Ha ha very funny... I don't think that's true." You corrected

"What do you mean?" Chrom asked

"We're not just some mere humans waiting on a something like 'destiny' I would think that our fates conjoined and well we already strengthen our ties... Right?" You answered as you came closet to Chrom

"Y/N... Ok you had me at fate. Let's go!" Chrom smirked as he signaled the Shepards to come with to defeat the commander of the Valmese ships


Once the Valmese commander had lost Chrom gave the signal.

A group of soliders lit up the oil barrels setting the ship ablaze.

You noticed the flames were quickly spreading.

"Chrom! We have to hurry!" You yelled as you kept watch for the ship you had told to stay behind

"Right! There it is! Now everyone! On my mark! JUMP!" Chrom commanded aloud as he lept onto the Ylissean ship you made stay behind as to not get caught up in the flame act.

"So long Valmese for you'r e to walk the plank!" You remarked to the Valmese who were still abroad their own ships. As you watched them struggle on the vessal everyone had just boarded


All the Valmese ships crashed into the burning vessal before sinking into the ocean.

Everyone cheered at the victory by taking that close risk.

"Is everyone alright?" You asked to the Shepards and Ylissean army

All Shepards and soliders were in good shape. They of course praised you for thinking of a brilliant idea.

"It's a good thing we've won today. But we still have yet to see what Valm really holds..." Chrom came up to you

"I know but we'll be ready." You assured

"Full speed to Valm!" Chrom told as he took the wheel of the ship

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