Masked Savior...

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"Lissa run! Now!" Chrom commanded

Lissa obeyed and ran and Chrom followed after...

The once stable ground had been shattered revealing boiling lava causing the air to be filled with smoke and fireballs...


After running for what seemed to be forever Chrom caught up with Lissa...

"Look out! This way come on! Jump!" Chrom told

Lissa yelped in terror but all was well as they reached to safer area away from the boiling lava

Gasping for fresh air Lissa looked to the sky and seen a mysterious thing in the sky...

It appeared to be an eye...


Frederick and yourself rode through the desiccated forest...

"I hear them we must be getting close! Straight ahead!" You told as you got off Frederick's horse and ran to them

"Milord!" Frederick called

"Chrom look!" Lissa pointed to the sky

The mysterious eye spawned monstrous beings that looked very much dead...

That separated Frederick and yourself from Chrom and Lissa...

"What are they-" you froze up staring at these dead beings

"Watch out defend yourself!" Frederick told as he fought a monster

On the other side...

2 monsters spawned in...

"Lissa get back I'll handle this..." Chrom told as he drew Falchion

The monster charged at him...

The monsters had very quick reflexes as if a bit of life were still in them but Chrom pulled through...

The remaining one dragged itself over to Lissa...

Lissa screamed in fear at the monster hoping Chrom rushes quickly...

The mysterious eye up above had spawned someone else except this person was surely alive...

Though their face was hidden...

The unknown individual sprinted to Lissa's side and guarded her from the monster's axe...

Chrom stood at who and what this person was doing...

"Wha-" Lissa wide eyed to she was unharmed

The individual was struggling to keep the monster down so they had no choice...

"I could use your help!" The masked individual had a masculine voice

"Yeah..." Chrom agreed and charged at the monster with a war cry causing the monster to lose focus on who he clashed blades with...

Our Tied Story... Chrom x Fem Reader (Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now