A Prince's fulfillment...

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(OK I know it's not FE Awakening music but I'd thought it suit the last bit)

You and Chrom continued running despite the rain coming in...

You realized that this place was called the Midmire, like as if you've passed through here...

But you put it aside the thought as you heard Basilio right behind you...

"Hurry it up! It should be clear- Ah damn it!" Basilio looked ahead to see Plegians had been stationed next to the escape route.

Chrom still looked out of it.

"Chrom! Snap out of it!" You told

"Keep an eye on him Y/N before he's gone!" Basilio commanded

"Chrom please listen or else I'll go kill them all myself..." You stormed off as the rain grew stronger

"Ah... Y/N it's too dangerous stop!" Chrom shouted as he followed

Separating the both of you from the main group...

"Halt! Ylisseans... I would not wish to fight, I offer you mercy..." The Plegian leader spoke

"What makes you think that we'd take mercy after what ALL you DASTARDS DONE?!" You yelled as you readied your magic

"Emmeryn never wanted any of us to fight..." The Plegian captain spoke as if mourning her

"DON'T SPEAK HER NAME, YOU MONSTER!" Chrom shouted as he sheathed Falchion

"It seems your rage only is only you speak of... Your sister's sacrifice had a toll on me, all of us to be clear... Lay down your weapons..." The leader eased but to no avail

The wind howled in response...

"Don't listen to them boy! Fight for your sister's legacy! Don't lose yourself!" Basilio argued

*battle start*

The Shepards made quick work of a quarter of the Plegians that were battling.


A Plegian made his way to the leader, he was afraid of being killed by the Ylisseans, the leader consoled him and gave him encouragement as his own family was hanging by a thread by the King's tight grip around each and every solider's families...

*A little later*

You and Chrom confronted the leader.

He still had the look of mourning upon his face.

But he was prepared to die and so he did.

"Well done... Please spare my men... they are just trying to survive this war, just as you all..." The leader bled out those final words

Soon a women with pink hair and a revealing outfit though she appeared very shy...

"Khan Basilio! You made it" the woman seemed glad

Our Tied Story... Chrom x Fem Reader (Awakening)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt