Mother and Daughter.

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Once everyone was ready to put Carrion Isle behind them.

The Shepards marched off back to Port Ferox.

You crossed many towns, the Shepards sometimes split off and spent free time in said towns.

Camp was set on the outskirts nearby a town.

You and Chrom were the only two back at camp.

"They could come from here. Or there. I can't predict everything you know." You told as you had a miniature map with wooden carvings of ships.

"I know that. But I think that should work. Thank you Y/N. I'll be overseeing the Shepards in town. See you later." Chrom told as he left the tent

"Bye Chrom." You waved farewell

"Mother? Could I talk to you for a minute?" Lucina's voice called from outside

"Lucina? Yes of course come in." You beckoned

Lucina came inside the tent to see you while you were trying to figure out where the Valmese could possibly approach from. But you were desperate to see if you could snare the enemy, without any losses, preferably. You were stumped as you accidentally banged your head on the table

"I think you're thinking about this too much Mother... I admire your work. But once more and you'll be exhausted." Lucina rubbed your back to comfort you

"*sigh* You're just like your Father... Ok I promise I'll stop here for today. You said you wanted to talk?" You asked

"I think some fresh air and a shopping spree may lift your spirits! Do you want to come with me?" Lucina suggested

"All right. I'm a but curious by your sense of fashion, I hadn't dolled you up once, in the present that is." You got up and exited with Lucina walking next to you

"Ah I remember those years. I always loved to wear whatever you gave me. But I have my own style! I'll just show you once we reach town! Come on Mother!" Lucina pulled you by the hand clearly she was excited about this

"Oh! Lucina!" You tried to keep up and you did somehow.

As the pair of you reached the nearest clothing store, you only just browsed while Lucina was on the other side hand picking many dresses and garments that she would gift to you and she was sure you'd love them.

Lucina paid for all of the things she picked without you knowing or more clearly not being visible to see it.

Lucina ran over to you as she held all of the items.

"Oh Mother! Look at this!" Lucina then showed off a dress that caught her eye and thought you would love it

"When did you- Oh my Gods... Did you get- All of this?!" You turned to face and was taken aback by how much Lucina brought back on her own and you looked at the dress Lucina held out to you.

"Yes! I paid for them myself! What do you think of this?" Lucina tossed the dress at you

You caught it and you analyzed it to see what it was made out of and consisted of.

"Uh... Lucina, little princess... This is very colorful, in fact too much color... the design, it doesn't look like it was supposed to be like this... Here. Wait... is that a person's face? Lucina what exactly did you find?" You handed the dress back to Lucina

"Huh? Mother don't you see it? That's Aunt Emmeryn! And these shapes, have you not seen polka dots before? You have to wear this! Father will love it!" Lucina tilted her head in confusion as she stroked the dress material and smiled to you

"More like he'll want to gouge his own eyes out..." You muttered under your breath

"Did you say something Mother?" Lucina asked before reaching in her pile to find another dress she bought

"No, nothing! I'm sorry Lucina but I can't accept it. " You answered brutally honest

"Very well... but since I had paid for this. I suppose I'll do it in your stead! Just what till you see it!" Lucina rushed inside the changing room with the the polka dots dress

"Gods... Chrom please don't cause a scene." You told quietly as you stared at all the clothes Lucina bought

Lucina soon got out and you seen what she was talking about.

"What do you think about it now?" Lucina twirled around

"Oh! I can see why you think I would like it. But I believe it suits you better. I appreciate the thought. I don't think your Father would want to see you in something that has Emmyren embroidery onto it." You answered

"How about I make it up to you? The next town we stop by, you can do all the choosing? I'll be the one to judge!" Lucina told as she grabbed her clothes before going back inside the changing room

"Sounds delightful Lucina! But do go easy on my own personal tastes!" You exclaimed

"I will! You have my word!" Lucina replied in a excited tone and soon got out with her original clothes while holding the dress and other clothing with it

*a few days later*

Once the group returned to Port Ferox, everyone boarded onto the ship to sail to Valm.

You took in a breath of the salty sea air.

"I've always wanted to see the seas for myself it's so beautiful!" You looked into the endless waves from the ship's side

"I've never seen the sea in it's glory! You're right Mother!" Lucina shone a smile as she dipped her fingers into the water

"It won't be for long once we see our enemy... So I think we should group up. Lucina is it alright to ask you about the future?" Chrom walked behind you and Lucina

"You're right." You agreed while looking to Chrom

"Oh Father. Yes anything! Well most from what I remember... What would you like to know?" Lucina asked eager to answer

"Is it true that I fall to Grima's wrath?" Chrom questioned

"It was were I had found Falchion abandoned but I truly think that no... You did not but something entirely..." Lucina spoke

"What exactly?" You asked in concern

"You were murdered... I'm unsure who though... Many rumors spread that it was someone you had trusted until the end... They killed you without mercy... I'll kill them if it's the last thing I do..." Lucina vowed

You and Chrom silently listened and nodded in agreement before a solider saluted before Chrom.

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