Lost Memories...

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"HAA! YAAH!" Chrom charged at Validar with Falchion in hand...

"I'll assist you Chrom!" You were readying Thoron to cast it at Validar...

But Validar countered Chrom with his magic and teleported upward...

"He's up there! Cast it now Y/N!" Chrom told

"HA!" You casted Thoron but Validar teleported once again

But you faked him out but he wasn't aware...

"*Laughs wickedly* You fool!" Validar shouted

"No you are the fool Validar HA!" you soon casted Thoron at him

But he disappeared and lifted you with magic and threw you into Chrom

"Y/N!" Chrom screamed

"Argh... I thought I had you!" You shouted at Validar

"Let's go after him now! Take my hand" Chrom held out his hand to pull you up

Validar glared at the both of you, he looked maddened at the display of you and Chrom's power combined...

"This is it the final battle we have... You Y/N will always be there for me, now let's end this once and for all!" Chrom counted on you

"I know Chrom and you as well will be by my side..." You agreed

"Listen to me Y/N, don't give your life for me..." Chrom spoke

"Chrom... Ok if that's how this battle will turn so be it..." You accepted the fact that Chrom may have to sacrifice for you but you prayed that it doesn't have to be that way

The both you approached Validar...

"*Laughs* You two will soon be too late to stop the Fell Dragon!" Validar yelled

"On my mark, 3... 2... 1! HA!" Chrom striked at Validar

He managed to land a hit on Validar but was heavily damaged from Validar's black magic

"Wrong move and you'll pay for it dearly!" You shouted as you casted Thoron to finish Validar off

"Watch out for the both of you death awaits for you..." Validar spoke his dying words as he fell limp

"We did it!" Chrom told joyously looking back at you

"*Giggles* I can't believe we did it!" You answered back

"*Grunts* DAMN YOU BOTH!" Validar screamed casting a black magic spell at you

"No!" You took the hit for Chrom and fell to the ground unconscious

"Y/N! NOW I'M ANGRY VALIDAR!" Chrom had thrusted Falchion through Validar making him disappear in a black mist

You had opened your eyes to see Validar gone and Chrom running up to you to hold you up

"Are you all right Y/N?" Chrom asked in concern

"Yeah but where's Validar?" You answered in worry

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