New book!

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Heya guys! You know I decided to make book 2 of you and lui oneshots based on this book.

It will be quite fun. This book is on hold because your author chan needs time to think about ideas!.

I have exams too it's Stressy.

Your author chan have decided the ending of the book but the middle fin-part is empty just like my sibling's brain so.......... I have to think something. I wish L or light would be here......

I need valt to brighten my mood

Shu for his spaghetti 

Honcho for his sweetness

Ken for exploding my heart with his cuteness

Lui for his comfort as he do to y/n

Lui: well FCKING  No!

Xander to play attack on titans

Free to teach me how to  ride and get a hard kick from deer on a$$

Wakiya so that i can braid his hair.

Nika and toko for hugs

Dark y/n so that we can take revenge on useless things or can have useless arguments 

Y/n for hugs

: )

Y/n's adventure: Lui x reader [Part one (burst)]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя