Chapter 55: lui, canada and more!

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You both passed boarding tunnel and yeah went to your following following seats. "Hey window seat is mine!" You said running towards it. "No! Its mine!" Lui said grabbing your wrist.

You two started to argue again and again. Gabe sighed. If you are gonna make any noise I am straight away dump you. Gabe warned. You both didn't have any chance so ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!


And yeah you won that. Lui had a jaw drop yet he sat in middle. You excitedly looked from the window. You were happy while Lui was like "damn it".so time passed, Lui and Gabe chatted. Now it's night. You yawned. Lui and Gabe were little sleepy too.

You leaned on your chair closing your eyes. "Aww sleepy baby~" Lui teased. "Shut up!" You said. After that you completely slept. You leaned your head on lui's shoulder.

Lui looked at you and remained like this. But now you being you..... you wrapped you arms on lui's arms. Lui can't do anything now. He sighed closing his eyes. "Not couples huh?" Gabe asked smirking. "shut up" Lui stated coldly.

In the middle of night

You clenched lui's shirt hard. Sweat on your forehead. You were in your nightmare. Lui haven't slept yet though he questioned himself why he slept in class. Lui looked at you. "Y/n?" Lui mumbled. You opened your eyes panting heavily.

You sat up straight rubbing your eyes. "Arghh this nightmare". You cursed. "What happened y/n?" Lui asked. You haven't slept Lui?" You asked. Lui nodded. You pouted "sorry". Lui rolled his eyes "no problem". "You alright, right?" He asked.

You looked frowned. "N- nightmare" you mumbled. What type of? Lui asked.

You ran in the dark street. Losting your way in dark you bumped into someone and it was Shu. Shu turned behind and saw you. "Y/n... what your doing here?" Shu asked death glaring you.

You backed up when a dark auro started to surround him. Your eyes widened. You shivered in fear and suddenly that dark auro started to form a dragon. Suddenly that deadly dragon opened his mouth and took you inside it.

You explained everything to Lui. He looked concerned. You sighed. "Dont worry now y/n". Lui said. You nodded. Lui placed his hand on your hand squeezing it a bit. "Y/ need to worry now...l he whispered. "Thanks Lui." You whispered smiling. Lui blushed. You leaned back at lui's shoulder. You closed so did Lui drifting into sleep again.

"Damn I feel like third wheel now". Gabe thought to himself.

After that...... morning..........

You, Lui and Gabe woke up an hour ago before plane would land. "Arghh my back hurts." Lui groaned. "You want to know Lui?" Gabe asked. Lui nodded. "Actually you three were sleeping weirdly  and yeah y/n was leaning on wall one leg on lui's  lap and you on gabe that's why." Miss. Tohru said.

You stretched yourself "woah what a good sleep" you squealed. Lui and Gabe glared you.

You blinked in confusion.

After that you three finally reached Canada! After a long travel. "Miss Kurenai you know that a big interviewer is gonna  come and ask you some questions you better be ready". Tohru explained. "No........ I. Don't want to....." you groaned. "Don't worry your parents would be gonna watch it too." You had no choice so you went with her. "I am gonna meet you both at rideout's headquarters bye bye". You waved. At last you and miss tohru reached your destination.

Interview was pretty good though you needed to tell about your passion skills and all. After that they requested you to sing some of your best hits to find out your voice without auto tune. It looked whole same as in song they were stunned.

They asked about your relationship if any. You flustered a bit not knowing what to say.

Everything went good and you both reached the rideout gym. It was pretty cool from inside. You went to lui's training room. On your way you bought yourself a cute lollipop too. "Hey Lui!" You squeaked. But Lui pulled out his chords. Those chords flew meters away as you dodged them. "Lui! What the hell stop!" You yelled.

Lui ignored you. You sighed and licked your lollipop. "Don't eat here go out!" Lui yelled. "No! I will stay here." You protested. Lui came to you and snatched that lollipop away though it was in your mouth. He pulled it that hard that...... your teeth came out. You weren't aware of it that much (it happened with me while eating sand which). You growled loudly and left the room. Great she is mad now!" Lui complained to himself. He noticed lollipop in his hand. "How childish!" He growled but noticed a small white something stuck in it. He looked closer and found it's your teeth!. "Pfttt... she is not even aware for it". Wait.... Let's scare hell out her.". Lui smirked devilishly. He kept lolipop with himself. "Ha! See now y/n I will not let you live in peace......"

Lunch break

Now everyone were sitting in the garden eating lunch Gabe prepared for them. You somehow made Lui to come too. Lui sat eating. He looked at you who was still not aware what's happening. He smirked. "You were eating now calmly. "Hey y/n". Lui spoke. You looked at him. "Not feeling weirdly?" He asked smirking. You shook your head. "Come on! Don't forget something so,etching like ache". Lui said. You blinked before realising *gasps* "fuck my teeth!" You said amused. "Y/n language". Gabe warned.

"My teeth broke!" You jumped happily. "But where's you teeth?" Lui asked. "Um...... where it is?" You spoke standing and looking around. Lui stood up and whispered something. "Y/n haven't I told you that story?  Maybe you swallowed it...." You looked at him in disbelief. Lui shrugged.

W-what now? You asked panicked. Lui tried to hold his laughter. Lui didn't knew you were that innocent. "Y/n you should do whatever I say." Lui said.

You nodded. "Fine furball first you will do hundred launches and then 100 rounds on treadmill. Your eyes widened. You dramatically sat on knees. "Oh! Lord see what a pressure this world is giving me I-

"Do it or sleep for forever". Lui interrupted you in his cold tone. You nodded. "Follow me now" Lui commanded. You nodded again and followed him.

The other  members of rideout were like
Gabe: okay now y/n is innocent.
Gou: yeah Lui is quite cunning.
Gabe: poor y/n

Y/n's adventure: Lui x reader [Part one (burst)]Where stories live. Discover now