Chapter 51: Talking to moon

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(SHU IS OUT OF CHARACTER MEANS YANDERE A WHOLE YANDERE a bit sad tooo........... I know I know this book is not like that but my mind and hands 😒😒😒)

You were now in backside of dojo. Shu roughly let go of your bruised wrist. You didn't know what to say. Shu turned to you. He came closer to you and said "need to explain me?".

You looked nervously down "I-I I-w-was j-just- u" "WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?!" Shu yelled. " LUI IS MY WORST ENEMY EVER AND YOU ARE JUST!?". shu snapped. Shu stood his arm up aiming to slap you and he did. You placed your hand on your slapped cheek.

"CANT YOU JUST SEE HOW HE IS!?" He yelled. You were sobbing. Your whimpers were heard by Shu. Shu growled "DONT CRY INFRONT OF ME."Your breathe got shaky you were scared. You never saw him yelling and shouting this badly. "YOU JUST KISSED MY RIVAL!?" "DONT YOU KNOW HE is NOT WHAT HE SHOWS!". Shu scolded you.

You were whole terrified. You were trying to wipe your tears away. Shu got near you and hold you with your collar. "See now if you get or talk with any of the person I will not hestitate to take actions." Shu deadly warned.

———- —Events that took place after this (in short I am lazy)
-everyone deadly silent went home.

-Lui wasn't able to talk to you.

-he felt guilty.

-you were locked in your room for punishment

-your trust for Shu got vanished

-you felt yourself a mistake
You went inside your room and sat on the cold floor hugging your kneees. You cried heavily. "I-i n-never thought s-Shu will do something L-like t-that". "I always trusted him but now *sniffs*. I am just a disappointment for him."

You looked up at your room's opened window. Moon shining brightly in the sky. You looked up at it. You sat on the window feeling the slow wind blowing. "Was loving lui a mistake?"

"Was loving Y/n a mistake?" On the other side Lui questioned to himself looking at the moon. He sighed as so you oth side. You both remembered the time you were together fighting, laughing, trolling, roasting.

(You both at same time speaks now where ever italic and underlined lines are. you know those movie scenes were in long distance relationships couple are shown to think same lines at same time..... he , you referring to Lui. She, Lui referring to you. you both mumbling or talking to the moon.) (author chan heard song talking to moon that's why)

He always made me smile
She always made me smile

His smile was just like you moon........
Her smile was just like an angel

I never thought of falling in love with my brother's rival.... Lui
I never thought of falling in love with my rival's sister..... Y/n

I hope he can understand how it hurts without his smile
I hope she can understand how it hurts without her smile.

He would be alone maybe I should have told him
She would be alone maybe I should have told her

Lui..... I am sorry
Y/n.... It's my fault..... sorry

Y/n's adventure: Lui x reader [Part one (burst)]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora