Chapter 39: Sick!

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You were just talking to lui's dad. You gave him many savage comebacks too one of them:
So you... girl
Y/n: not my name is girl!
L'Dad: Yeah.. y/n
Y/n: yes?
L'Dad: you know I heard that disciplined people don't like pop stars....
Y/n: oh soo you mean they don't like me? Okay then hate me! Problem solved!
L'Dad: i... Um... (thinks:Such a terrible behaviour but is positive hmmm..... nice)
You were just talking to Lui and all when your phone rang
Hello? You spoke
H-hello y/n!" Miss tohru sounded worried
"What happened miss tohru?" You asked
"Come home your brother is running from high fever!" She said
"Oh what!?" You said worriedly you stood up.
"Okay don't worry gonna comeback" you said.
You cut the phone and sighed...... It was nice to meet you all but i need to go now sooo... yeah have a nice day. You bowed down and approached towards main door.
"But sweetie you haven't ate something.." Lui's mother said
"No thanks mam I am glad to meet you today! But I have to go" you said with a smile
"Idiot go safely" Lui said crossing his arms
You chuckled and came closer to him giving him a small kiss and whispered in his ear
"Lui I made you cupcakes....for rubbles and Bella too..... eat them okay!" Lui blushed on your quick kiss. You last time said goodbye and left for Shu but a surprise awaits for you!

Y/n's adventure: Lui x reader [Part one (burst)]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt