Chapter 38: Parents....

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Lui dragged you out. "Hey Lui! What happened?" You asked. You know I didn't know your mom is a famous fashion designer! You know I like her she's my idol!. You said with sparkles in your eyes.
Lui sighed and began "see idiot today my parents are here soo..... I told them little bit things about you okay." "Lui you okay? You look scared".you asked. "See y/n you know I told them that you are totally disciplined." He said seriously. "Of course I am disciplined" you said proudly. "Okay now swear" Lui commanded. "F#@k , ashol*" you sweared. Lui just facepalmed.
"Awww Lui I am an intelligent girl who do stupid things". You said proudly. "Now my best friend I promise to be a good disciplined friend!" You said energetically. "We are best friends?" Lui said in disbelief and confusion. Lui sighed "just remember daddy is a bit strict. "Lui you think your dad will like me?" You asked unsurely. "Of course who wouldn't?" Lui said and grabbed your wrist pulling you inside. As you both got inside you met with lui's dad. He crossed his arm with a cold look. He had same features like lui just eye colour was different. "Hello nice to meet you sir" you bowed down. "So you are lui's friend?" Lui's dad asked in a serious tone. "Y-yes I am" you said.
In living room Lui and his dad sitting at one side and you sitting infront of them everything dead silence.
"So you are a superstar right?" Lui's dad asked. "Y-yes sir I am" you said scratching back of your neck. "It means you are youngest star huh?, you should know you are leading young generation." He said. "Y-yeah sir I know I always want everyone to be entertained". And at this line lui's dad had raging eyes. "Just to entertain?!" He asked holding anger back. "Nope Dude N-no i............I mean I........" you shook your head you didn't knew what to say. Till the time lui's mom came there changing the topic. "So honey~ You would be knowing Lui for a long time." Lui's mother softly said. "Yes he is very good friend." You said calmly. "Just a friend?" Lui's mother asked with a smirk. "Umm...... no he is my best friend." You said with a blush. "Just best friend?" Lui's mother asked with a smirk narrowing her eyes. " No Mam he is my Mega super best friend!" You said widening your arms in air with indiscipline voice. Yeah it was your original form. You realised what you did you blushed and sat again mannerly but noticed Lui with a look of i-will-sew-you.

Y/n's adventure: Lui x reader [Part one (burst)]Where stories live. Discover now