Chapter 6

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The next few weeks flew by fast, like the daily commute with L.A to the railroad always bought adventure to our lives. I am quite the great trader if I do say so myself, as I know have a machete of my own and an extra pair of bags along with a semi-used pots and pans set. The trees were starting to become a bright orange as autumn is soon approaching.

My survival skills have also improved as well, though I had to learn the hard way. There was one time I was so thirsty that I had to drink from the river. I stooped down to pick up the water in my hands when I heard her distinct voice "I don't think that's a good idea." Aditi and I have grown closer during the past few weeks as well. "Why not" I mocked her accent. "Suit yourself" she replied walking ahead of me. That night as me and L.A was sleeping in the tent, my stomach was starting to cramp sending sharp pains through my body. I ran out of the tent to a nearby bush to purge the contents of my stomach, leaving behind an ungodly smell.

The next day Aditi came by the tent with a gray thermos. "What is that?" I opened the lid of the cup to be greeted by a strong minty smell. "Peppermint tea, I had a feeling you were going to be stomach trouble later on. "She smiled back at me, Aditi's smile was always something I admired from the first time I saw it. On that particular day, she took me to the major creak where she goes fishing. We spent hours showing each other the techniques we use, for once I can thank my dad for taking me on all those fishing trips.

"I bet you can not catch more fish than me." Aditi always loved a good coemption.

"You're on!"

The last few hours of our fishing trip were spent with me losing to her. Catch after catch the fish appeared to be getting bigger in size as well. "Ha, I have ten I win!" she jumped in the air causing the dock to creak underneath us. " Spending time with you is the best" as she finished her sentence, a row of white teeth were shown, and her cheeks had two small dimples implanted in them. From that day on I did everything possible to see it.

Out here I feel like I have a purpose. My days are not spent out here stalking Arya or waiting for another disappointment from my parents. Out here I am actually living.

This morning however something felt different. When I woke up in the tent, L.A was gone. I ran outside and looked all over the surrounding areas for her but no trace of her was left behind.

"Maybe she is already at the railroad."

When I got through I still could not find her. I went to ask Aditi about it.

"Ora, you're looking too deep into this, L.A has been out here for what six months now she's going to be fine."

"Six months! How long have you been out here?"

She looked down at the ground "four years." she mumbled.

"Aditi, what happened?"

She kept staring at the ground, her silence was deafening to me. "I'm not ready."

I kept my hand on her shoulder, "that's fine." She looked at my hand and started to play with my fingers "I have to ask you something." My face instantly got red as this scene felt familiar from my favorite romance movies.

"Yes of course."

"Will you help me sell firewood!''

I got confused, this was defiantly not the question I was ready to answer.

Um wait you guys use money here, I thought this was trade-based."

"Not here Ora, we're going into town, oh L.A has not brought you there has she."

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