Chapter 3

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I did not think this through. The first fifteen minutes of my newfound freedom were met with the sudden realization that I didn't pack enough. My throat burned as I pedaled through the neighborhood. Along with my feet, they were aching with every forward momentum of the wheels.

Biked passed the light blue house of Arya, and the small cozy shop of Sally. No-one stopped to question me, as biked by my school and my classmates who just got out of class. My haircut just makes me unknown.

Within one hour I approached the green reflective city sign and it was then it dawned on me.

"Where do I go?"

My whole life I have lived in Kentucky, in the same house on the same street. Putting my foot down on the ground I looked around me. The trees swayed in the breeze and cars made their way to the interstate next to me.

"Well the closest restaurant is north'' I looked at the sign across the road confirming so.

"If I start biking now I can probably reach there before evening.''


Passing through the wide trunks of the oak trees reminded me of the first time I met Arya. It was the first day of third grade, I had just been dropped off at the front entrance by the chauffeur.

The entrance of our school has five big oak trees that we play on before the bell rings. They were so tall that many of the schoolboys used them to climb up to the roof. Along the walls were bushes that girls would sit under and just talk. Then there was me. I would go and playoff in the field further away from the building keeping an ear out for the bell. On this particular day as I ventured out to the field, I saw her.

We locked eyes with each other like deer in headlights. And for a while time just stopped, her hair was black had two pigtails in her hair attached with red ribbons. Her pale skin refracted in the golden sunlight along with our blue and white uniform. With a voice as soft as an angel, she began to speak.

"Hi, my name is Arya'.

The sound of a car honk snapped me out of it. I swerved the bike back onto the grass, maybe I should think about something else. In the distance, a sign showed the closet diner was just five miles ahead. My stomach began to squirm and growled as I finished reading the words. Better get a move on then.

The next twenty-five minutes were uneventful as I pedaled into the entrance of the dinner. The entrance had a classic red and white overhang and had neon signs announcing its openness. As I entered the diner, I noticed the karaoke machine in the corner of the room, and red and blue counters throughout the restaurant. The floor also had the same red and white pattern on the tiles. The mix of fries and breaded chicken sent my stomach into a frenzy.

"I am so hungry I could eat a horse!"

"Well, you came to the right place, sugar! I'm Sandra and I am here to take your order." Sandra placed a menu on the counter and I could smell a hint of coconut as she gave me a cup of lemonade. "Don't worry darling it's on the house." she winked at me as she went back behind the counter.

As nice as it was for her to give me free lemonade I knew that would not satisfy me. I opened the menu to find nothing fancy, the typical burger and fries, chicken tenders. Deciding that it did not matter what I ate I ordered a burger and fries combo. It shortly arrived on a plate. Just as I was about to take a bite into the steamy beef of the burger someone entered through the door. I looked over to see a girl, maybe a little bit older than me, with long curly brown hair. She was wearing gray military boots and had on long pants with a sleeveless shirt that showed her toned biceps. Small pieces of leaves and twigs were scattered throughout her hair and she looked exhausted.

Sandra came out with a tray full of food. "L.A honey, are you hungry!" she smiled.  


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