Chapter 8

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Welcome to Curksville!" "Come on I have to show you around!"

"Not that I could protest even if I wanted to," I whispered.

Houses on the streets looked quite old many had chipped paint of missing roof tiles. Their lawns were overgrown with weeds and grass. The sidewalk was also quite stained with mud and was chipping on the curve. Of the few people I have seen many, had on old boots and plain clothing. Soon Aditi came to the shopping center.

"This is where I get all my tools from."

"Wait a minute, they sell you tools here?"

"Well... I and some of the other store owners have made a couple of agreements but long story short yes."

"Here let's go in this one first." She came to the entrance of a thrift shop, its window was so thick with mildew that I could not even see into the building. Aditi opened the door for me and I was hit with the smell of my grandma's old nursing home. Hanged up on the top shelf were vintage shops of all colors and shapes. In the middle was a book center and spread throughout were different shelves with the cash out center being in the back.

"I have to talk to the owner here, go ahead and look around."

She went toward the back of the store and I went toward the center. Digging through the books many were torn but there were a few that looked in good condition. One, in particular, caught my eye immensely. "Teaching an adult to read" I read out loud "Step by step guide." This would be perfect for Aditi it's the least I can do she has done so much for me. I began feeling my pockets when it hit me that "I left my bag of money in the tent!" with all of the recent events I forgot about it. "Ugh, I hope L.A is at least taking care of it."

"Ora! Come back here quick."

I followed the voice to find Aditi and a man in front of the counter. "Ora this is Arhaan, Arhann this is Ora". Arhann waved at me and I reciprocated his actions. He looked similar to Aditi both had the same hair type and skin color. Aditi began to speak to him in a strange tonged and Arhann began to reply in the same language. "He has something for the both of us." Arhann went to the back room and returned with a lawnmower. He looked at Aditi and began talking to her, he pulled the cord, and the engine revered. He was giving her a demonstration. Aditi started to translate "sometimes Arhaan gives me things that aren't selling, he has been saving this mower for us." Arhaan turned the mower off and rolled it over into Aditi's hand. Aditi bowed and muttered something and he muttered something back. Arhaan looked at me and pointed at the book center on the other side of the store.

"He wants to take what you were looking at." Aditi clarified.

"Are you sure, I have the money, well not on me bu-"

He started talking to Aditi again "He instants any friend of mine is a friend of his." Ahraan went back to the store and Aditi started making her way to the front. On the way put, I picked up the book. Aditi picked the lawnmower into the wagon.

"What are we going to do with it?"

"Well on a normal day I would take this back to the railroad, but, that is going to be put on paused."

She held my hand and placed me into the wagon. "Come on we need to start making our way back."

When we made our way through the front door I put the mower in the living room. "You know I think I might be onto something."

"Okay let's hear it."

"So what I noticed is that most of the townhomes had bad lawns so I was thinking we could make some extra side cash."

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