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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


chapter twenty-nine: pathetic

warning: slight violence, heavy angst


"Come on, don't tell me you're going to wimp out?"

Sora stood at the top of the rocks, a hand planted on her hip as she looked down at the girl below her. Lifting a thin brow, the tips of her hair brushing against her shoulders as she leaned over, grinning down at her friend.

"Shut up! This is a lot harder than it looks!" The brown-haired girl replied, struggling to grasp the rocks and hoist herself up.

"This was your idea, you know," She hummed, crouching down on the edge of the cliff.

Extending her hand down, Sora wrapped her fingers around Kameyo's hand. She gave her support as she finished climbing the rock side, pulling her onto the grass where Sora was standing. Kameyo brushed the dirt from her bathing suit cover, fixing the tie in her hair.

"I didn't think it'd be that difficult," Kameyo huffed, watching Sora adjust the glasses over her face before stretching.

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad," She said. "I come up here all the time."

"Not everyone is as active as you are," Kameyo replied, rolling her eyes. Sora giggled and sat down on the edge, letting her legs dangle over.

"You're just lazy and don't want to admit it," Sora sang, laying back on the grass.

"Listen, I gained a little bit of weight, see?" Kameyo followed suit, pinching her stomach.

"Those would be your organs, dippy," She replied, swatting her friend's hand away.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock, but that's not what I'm talking about," She chuckled.

"You're just overdramatic," Sora sighed. "Just embrace what you have."

"Oh, so we're going zen today?" Kameyo smiled.

"Why not?" Sora replied, closing her eyes. "It's nice to do every once in a while. Just calm yourself down after a stressful day. Be at peace of mind. It's sooo nice."

"Now I understand how you're always so calm," Kameyo sighed, adjusting herself beside the girl. "This is actually kinda nice."

The sound of the waves below them was gentle, rolling in and brushing at the base of the cliff before retreating back to the ocean. Birds flew above them, and they could distantly hear voices down on the beach. The sun shone down on both of them, warming their skin and providing them with just the right warmth.

「e n e m y」gojo s. x reader [book 5]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang