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chapter three: best friends


Sora looked across the table at her mother. She could see how tired she really was—she didn't even have to look at her face, her body language showed it all. She sluggishly rubbed at her eyes as they sat in a booth in some restaurant they picked out, waiting for their food to arrive. Beside her mother, her father sat, one of his arms around her shoulders, the other draped across the table.

"Naomi told me you got the top score of your science exam," Y/n said, lifting her head. "That's really good, Sora."

"Thanks," She said and she couldn't help the small smile that formed on her lips. "It was pretty easy."

"You have a pretty good understanding of science, right?" Satoru asked, turning his head as if he hadn't been listening at all.

"Yeah, why?" Sora asked.

"Your technique deals with it," He hummed, leaning across the table to pinch Kota's nose, making him giggle. "It's a little hard to understand unless you can grasp science pretty well."

"Satoru, you failed science 3 times," Y/n remarked. "Yaga only passed you cause he was sick of your summer classes."

"I only failed it 'cause I didn't do the work," He muttered. "I'm actually smart, you know."

"Believe when I see it," Y/n whispered under her breath.

"Are you guys still working on that case?" Sora asked, changing the subject before her father could whine any more.

"Which one?" Y/n laughed sarcastically. "There's a shit ton sitting on my desk."

"We're going to be home now," Satoru said, facing his daughter. "I'm gonna pick you up after school tomorrow."

"Well, I was gonna ask Mom," Sora said. "I was wondering if we could start our training again."

"I think she might be ready to enroll in the Tech School," Satoru commented, looking over at his wife. "She's got all the basic things down at this point."

"I don't know," Y/n muttered, sounding a little unsure. "I don't just want to throw her out there."

"It's normal," Satoru waved his hand at her. "Mother birds throw her kids out of the nest all the time!"

Y/n blinked at him.

"Okay, maybe that wasn't the best analogy," He said. "I'm saying that Sora will be fine! Megs and Nobara will be her teacher, and plus, Will is enrolling Kameyo."

"Seriously?" Sora asked, her eyes lighting up. "I could do it! Kameyo and I could be...partners! She can help me train, and I can help her! Plus, Megumi and Nobara are like my siblings! They'll look out for us!"

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