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chapter twelve: a friendly notice


The man closed the door as he stepped inside, easing it shut rather than letting it close on its own. The sleek ceramic of his mask glinted as he walked inside further, the sunlight pouring in from the window reflecting the striking blue and white paint. Attached to his back, two handles of two katanas protruded over either of his shoulders. He was definitely built, his tall frame matching his muscle tone.

His entire body was covered, not a single shred of his skin showing; a black long-sleeved compression shirt that covered up to his neck with bandages wrapped around his wrist, black gloves, and black cargo pants, followed by a set of black boots. His black hair spilled over the top of his mask, and the blue earring in his ears was the only color other than his mask.

Placing his hands beside him, the man bowed to the group. Satoru flicked his eyes to Y/n, who reciprocated the look. Shota reached out, placing his hand on Sora's back, slowly bringing her closer to him. Yuuji rose to his feet, and Gen took his hand from the table.

"My name is Isaiah Miller," The man introduced, straightening his back. "I'm your phantom sorcerer."

"What are you doing here?" Y/n demanded.

The man raised his hands beside him as if he were surrendering. Sora frowned. The action seemed familiar...

"I'm not here to hurt any of you. I'm here to prove my innocence," He said, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Innocence?" Yuuji said. "So you don't have anything to do with the murders?"

"I do, but not in the way you think."

It clicked in Sora's mind. She knew the name had sounded familiar, and she now realized it was on the black card she'd taken at the bakery. She knew exactly who was standing before her.

"Explain," Satoru said.

"The deceased were members of an elite squad that was disbanded about six months ago. However, the separation of the group wasn't approved of by the leader. They were rebels. Now the leader is going off to kill all of them. I was part of this squad, and it has nothing to do with the Jujutsu Sorcerers," He replied.

"So what are you trying to say?" Gen frowned.

"Drop the case," He stated simply. "This squad was combined of shinobi, kunoichi, and academy students. None of them used Jujutsu to fight, nor did they possess any kind of cursed energy. Their battles consisted strictly of weapons and their hands. Therefore, this is out of your jurisdiction. Besides, this all began in the States. Not in Japan."

"Someone is using Jujutsu," Y/n stated. "Which puts it in my jurisdiction."

"The technique is registered," He said, taking a card from his pocket, showing it to the woman. "It was registered in California five years ago. And it belongs to me. I'm using special permission granted by the ambassador of the United States to use it in foreign countries for my investigation."

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