Party! (Pt2)

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A/N: Warning- underage drinking, sexual jokes

As Bokuto had hoped, everyone had agreed to the party and made plans to get there and stay for the weekend. You, Bokuto, and Akaashi were currently preparing the house for the party. You were unusually giddy about it. And it definitely didn't go unnoticed by Akaashi.

"Y/n, what's got you so excited?"

You smiled brightly at him. "I get to see Shirabu and Shoyo again! And I finally get to meet mom!"


"Suga-san from Karasuno adopted me!"

As if on cue, the doorbell to Bokuto's house rang. The three of you looked at each other, silently trying to see who should open the door. It ended up being you and it was not a disappointment.

You opened the door and saw an extremely familiar face, giving a smile. "Kenji-"

You didn't get the chance to finish. Shirabu had thrown himself at you, pulling you into a hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too." You looked behind him to see some other familiar faces: the Shiratorizawa guys along with Hinata, who had people behind him that you barely recognized from pics Bokuto had shown you before.

Everyone from Shiratorizawa had smirks on their faces while staring at you being squeezed almost to death by their salty setter.

"WHOS AT THE DOOR BESTIE?!" Bokuto's voice came from inside.

You smirked, turning your head back. "YOUR MOM."

This caused everyone to laugh as Bokuto rushed to the door with a horrified look on his face. "They're not supposed to be home this weekend! Oh... you tricked me." He saw everyone and relief washed over his face.

"Damn right I did. And I'll do it again." You still had a Shirabu wrapped around you, completely unfazed by it.

Bokuto frowned. "Mean." He pointed at Shirabu. "Get that off of you."

"Get what off?" You pretended as if Shirabu wasn't clinging to you like a needy child. "Is there something on me?"

Yet again, all the guests burst out laughing at your remark.

This caused Bokuto's frown to deepen. "Shirabu is literally clinging onto you."

"Uh huh. I know." You played with said boy's hair. "So?"

Shirabu looked up. "What's the problem? I haven't seen her in a while and I missed her." He frowned.

You sighed, not wanting to deal with such childishness. "Hey, now. I don't wanna deal with two frowny babies. Start smiling and get your asses in the house." You attempted to start walking into the house, Shirabu still clinging to you as you moved. "Sweet n salty mix, can ya let me go please? I can't move and you need to take your shoes off and get set up in one of the guest rooms."

He pouted, letting go. "Fine. But I'm cuddling you later."

You giggled. "As long as I'm not cooking, using the bathroom, changing, or showering- feel free to do whatever." You walked back into the kitchen. "KAASHIIIIII THE PEOPLE ARE HERE!"

"Stop yelling, Y/n..."

"Nah." You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around the pretty boy. "People are here tho..."

"I know. Wait, get off and help me with the food."

You groaned. "But I want a hug!" You whined.

He sighed, giving you a somewhat quick hug. "There. Now help me since Bokuto-san won't."

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