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"The operation is over. The knife has successfully been removed and the girl is alive." A man's voice?

"You all did great work." Another man...

"That poor girl... she needs so much rest." A woman?

"And therapy." Deeper voiced woman.

You could hear people talking... not fully understanding what they were saying. But they seemed to be talking about someone. You felt a sharp pain around your stomach.

'Hunger? No... this feels as if I was stabbed. Wait... I was stabbed. I did it to myself. Why? In front of everyone... what have I done? What did that bitch do to me?'

You felt a few tears roll down your face, your eyes remained closed. Your face hurt...
'Right. She cut my face... I should've just died. I'll never look decent. Everyone will hate me...'
Your tears streamed more.

This had caught the attention of one of the nurses. She pointed to you. "Look. The girl's crying!"

The other female nurse with the deep voice walked closer. "Is she conscious?"

One of the doctors approached. "Hard to say... her eyes are still closed..."

You felt a pain in your chest. 'I want to see him...'

"K?" The first nurse was right by your side. "She's trying to say something?"

"Ke- Ken..."

The first doctor turned to the door of the operating room. "Nurse Haruka, check if there's anyone out there with that name."

The first nurse, nurse Haruka, nodded and left the operating room to find the group of people.
"Excuse me, but can I have all of your attention, please?"

Everyone looked up, except Shirabu...

Your father looked at the nurse. "What is it? How's my daughter?!"

Haruka smiled gently. "She's alive. The surgery was a success."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. And yet again, Shirabu remained unmoving, not reacting to anything.

"But... for some reason her eyes aren't opening, even though she's regained consciousness..."

Silence. There was worry flowing through everyone.

The nurse continued. "But... um... she said something."

Bokuto stood up. "What did she say?"

"Well... it sounded like a name. I was wondering... is there anyone with the name 'Kenjiro' here by any chance?"

Everyone turned to Shirabu, who finally looked up at the nurse with wide eyes. "Th-that might be me..."

Haruka walked over to him and bent down slightly. "What's your name?"

"Sh-Shirabu Kenjiro..."

She smiled. "I think she called for you."

He stood up, his eyes focused on where you were. The nurse began walking, then paused.

"All of you, we need to relocate her first. Then you can see her." And she walked away.

Shirabu collapsed, crying again. 'Y/n...'

Everyone remained silent, looking between the door and Shirabu. They were shocked.
You called out Shirabu's first name when regaining consciousness?
They couldn't understand... but they were relieved that you were alive.

The nurses and doctors had relocated you to a different room, without passing by your visitors while you were laying on the gurney. Once you were set on the hospital bed, the nurse informed everyone of where you were.

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