Lets Meet

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You were definitely nervous, anxious. Once in the Miyagi prefecture, you had immediately separated from the Nekoma team. It made you nervous- just thinking about how you were about to meet someone you met from a gc Bokuto had added you to.

Your phone rang, making you jump and yelp. People looked at you, you had bowed and apologized profusely.

Shirabu calling

You answered, relief washing over you as you saw the contact name on the screen.

"Shirabu! I almost had a heart attack!" You whined.

"Oh, sorry. You in Miyagi?"

"Mhm. I honestly don't know where exactly I am though..."
You chuckled nervously.

You heard Shirabu sigh. "Let me guess- you walked away from the station alone?"

"Um... haha... yeah...."

"Dammit Y/n. Stay where you and send me your location. I'll come get ya."

"Ok. Thanks." The call ended and you did just as he told you. The moment you sent the address, Shirabu called you again.


You flinched. "S-sorry... I thought I could find my way. I was wrong. I'm so sorry." You started trembling, your anxiety starting to set in.

Shirabu took a deep breath, knowing he fucked up by yelling. "Please stop apologizing. It's my fault. I'm sorry. Just take deep breaths, calm down. Ok? I'll get there as fast as I can and pick you up. Ok? You gonna be ok or should we stay on call till I see you?"

"Please stay on call."

"Ok. I will. I'm leaving the campus now. I hope to be there within 10... maybe 20 minutes."

Well... he did try to get there as quickly as he could, but it ended up taking about half an hour. You had found a bench somewhere he'd be able to see you and sat down, waiting patiently for Shirabu to get you.


You flinched when you heard someone call your name. Turning to where the voice came from, you saw Shirabu panting. "Shirabu!" You ran up to him and hugged him.

He stiffened, slowly relaxing but remaining kind of tense. "Hey, sorry it took me so long. Even while running, it was pretty far from school. And Tendou tried keeping me back after he saw I was on a call with you."

"It's fine! I'm just glad you came to get me. Being around all these strangers is kinda scaring me." You moved away from him a bit, making sure to not touch him anymore.

He nodded, a slight smile on his face. "Come on, I got permission to bring you on campus. We can hangout in my dorm since Kawanishi is hanging with some of the guys, so it'll just be us today. You probably prefer that, right?"

"Mhm. Wait, does your team know I'm here? Or that I'll be at your school this weekend?"

He stopped, tensing again. "Well, no. But I pretty much kicked Kawanishi out of our dorm for this weekend. I'll just hide ya. If I really need to, I'll just leave campus with you and we can stay at my family's house."

You giggled. "Wow. So mean to your own teammates. I'm honored that I get all your kindness, Shirabu Kenjiro."

He smiled, a light pink hue spreading over his face. "Whatever. Anyways, you don't mind if I take a shower when we get back to my dorm, right? I'm kinda sweaty."

You laughed. "Oh, really? I totally didn't notice."

He rolled his eyes. "You should shower too. I probably got my sweat all over you when you hugged me."

"Aww. Worried about me, Shirababe?"

His face turned a deeper shade of pink. "Stop calling me that... it's embarrassing."

You giggled. "Ok, ok. But seriously, what should I call you?"

Shirabu shrugged. "I don't know. My name? Figure something out, just make sure it's not embarrassing."

You thought about it. "Hmm. Well, you call me by my first name. So I'll just call you Kenji or Jiro. Which do you like better?"

"Doesn't matter."

"But I won't your opinion since it's your nickname!" You whined.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. I guess I like Kenji better than Jiro."

You smiled, hugging him and making the two of you stop walking. "Yay! Ok! I'll call you Kenji from now on!"

Poor Shirabu thought his heart was about to explode. "Ok! Just, get off me!"

You moved away from him, a big smile on your face. That smile soon dropped. "Wait. You said I'll be staying in your dorm with you? Alone?"

"Y-yeah? Why?"

"Hmm. Ko and Kaashi say that's a bad idea."

"Wait, they know?!"

"Huh? Oh, no! They just say that girls and guys shouldn't stay in the same room together- well mainly Kaashi since Ko likes to come in my room all the time and cuddle. He says I'm so warm that it really helps him sleep. Kaashi just sighs and tells him why he shouldn't do that, even if I say it's ok."

Shirabu just looked at you in disbelief, his heart ached. "Well, Akaashi is right. Guys and girls shouldn't really stay in the same room. But there's no where else for you to stay and we won't be in the same bed. Also, why do you let Bokuto go in your room and cuddle with you?"

You shrugged. "We're friends. So it fine, right?"

Shirabu facepalmed. "That can go so wrong at any point in time."


Shirabu looked at you and deadpanned. "If one of you were to get feelings- like non-platonic or friendly feelings- then who knows what'll happen?"

"Like what?"

He frowned. "Like you guys kiss... or make out... or have sex..."
Shirabu looked at the ground, embarrassed with what he actually said- or more like that he actually said it.

You tried stifling a laugh- key word being tried. You failed and laughed right then and there. "We would never, Kenji! Ko is in love with Akaashi!"

Shirabu's eyes went wide, completely surprised with what you had just said. "Wait, really?!"

"Mhm." You nodded. "And besides... I like someone else." You looked at him with a smile.

Shirabu could feel his heart breaking at that moment. He didn't understand why he felt so sad at that moment. 'She likes someone else?'
He remained silent the rest of the walk, unable to get the thought of you liking someone out of his head...

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