Out and About

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You knew you shouldn't...
But you couldn't help yourself.

Once you were released from the hospital, you had too much energy that you couldn't just stay at home and rest. So... like the irresponsible person you can be, you went out to walk around town- completely unaware of the worried group of people that just showed up at your house.


"Calm down, Bokuto-san."



"Shirabu! That's too extreme! Calm down!"


"Between Bokuto and Shirabu... I don't know who's becoming more annoying at the moment."

"Be nicer Kenma..."

"Shut up Kuroo."

The unusual small group of people consisted of Shirabu, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, and Semi.

Yaku sighed, plopping down on the couch. "Why not call her to see if she's alright?"

Shirabu finally calmed down, starting to feel stupid. "Oh, right. I'll do it." He grabbed his phone and pressed call when he got to your contact.

You were just coming out of a cafe, a coffee in your hand while a bag with some sweets hung from your wrist. Then your phone went off. When you saw Shirabu calling, you answered immediately.

"Hey, Kenji. What's up?"


'Omg he's being so cute. Why'd my heart beating so damn fast?! Oh right... I'm totally in love with him, my friend that definitely doesn't feel that way about me...'

"I got bored and restless at home, so I went to a cafe. I'm coming back with some sweets. Wanna share?"

"Yes please. And you know you're not supposed to be leaving the house for a while. You need to rest..."

"I know, I know... I just have too much energy. Being in the hospital kept me from being active. I have too much pent up energy now. I'll be home in about 5, maybe 10, minutes. Ok?"


You laughed upon hearing the pout in his voice. "I will... while also being careful since I'm not 100% healed. When I get back, do you wanna cuddle on my bed while eating these sweets and watching some movies?"

He smiled, blushing lightly. It earned disbelieving stares from the other guys in the house, who couldn't hear your voice. "Of course! Hurry or I'm stealing your bed!"

"Steal my bed and I'm going all the way to your dorm to steal all your hoodies."

"Stay away from my clothes and dorm. I'll be waiting so hurry up and get your ass here."

"Yeah, yeah. Patience Shirabitch. I'm moving as fast as my fucked up body can go."

"You could've asked me to go along with you..."

"I'm sorry- you mumbled WHAT?! You really would've come with me to a cafe to get coffee and sweets? You? The Shirabu Kenjiro?"

He scoffed. "Go to my dorm and steal my clothes then. Your bed is mine."

"Nah it's too much effort to go all the way there. I'm just gonna flop down on you while you're laying on my bed."

"Do it then. I'll push you right off."

"And I'll flip you off my bed."

"I'll tackle you."

"I'll pin ya like Nala did with Simba in The Lion King."

"Do that and I might kiss you."

You stopped walking, not sure if you heard him right. "Uh... what?"

On his end, he turned bright red, not realizing what he said.

"Shirabu, you said what?! I'm telling Tendou right now!" Semi was quick to pull out his phone and text the other guys from Shiratorizawa.

"Uh... Kenji?" You're voice came from the other end. "You good?"

"I'm fine! Just... I'll see you later." And he hung up, collapsing onto your bed after he ran up to your room. He became a blushing mess while burying himself in your blankets.

You just started walking again, blushing and confused by the formerly salty copper-haired setter from Shiratorizawa. You walked faster, simply because you wanted to get home and see the boy as soon as possible. But one thought kept floating around in your head.

'He clearly said he was gonna kiss me. Did he mean it? Does he like me?'

You couldn't help but let hope flutter through your chest. If Shirabu really does like you, maybe you have a chance of being in a relationship...

Upon opening the front door to your house, you were attacked with a hug from someone with a fairly large build.

"BESTIEEEE!!! Where ya been?!"

"Hey Ko. And sorry, I went to this cute cafe nearby." You pulled away from him, scanning the room and not seeing the person you were looking for. "Where's Kenjiro?"

Semi chuckled. "He pouted off to your room."

You nodded, immediately running to your room and closing the door behind you. You set your coffee and sweets on your desk and looked at your bed- where there just happened to be a lump underneath some blankets. You smiled, knowing that lump was Shirabu and walked over to your bed.

"Kenjiiii." You jumped right on top him.

He yelped, his head peaking out from under the covers. "Y/n! Why'd you jump on me?!"

You grinned. "I said I would. Now come wrap your arms around me! It's cuddle time!"

Shirabu shuffled under the blankets to face you. "I thought you were bringing sweets..."
He pouted.

"I did." You pointed to the bag on your desk.

"Sweets first, then movies and cuddles."

You chuckled, getting up and grabbing the bag of sweets along with your coffee. You sat down next to the Shirabu lump and took out various sweets.

"Want some coffee?" You held your coffee out to him.

He nodded, taking a sip. "It's sweet."

"If you're gonna hang with me, you're gonna need to get used to it. Everything I bring home is sweet." You took a sip of your coffee.

He looked at you and blushed. "Wh-why are you drinking from it?!"

"Cuz it's my coffee? I bought it?"

"But I just drank from it!"

"Uh-huh." You obviously hadn't seen the problem he did. "And I drank from it before you did. What's wrong with that?"

Shirabu looked away. "That's like an indirect kiss..."

You blushed. "It's just sharing a drink. Where did you get that kind of idea?"


"Salty boi, stop listening to dollar store Hisoka."

Shirabu chuckled.

"Food?" You started handing him random boxes containing sweets. He nodded, and you two shared all the sweets you got, while also sharing the coffee.

After finishing, you joined your guest under your blankets. "What movie?"

He shrugged, casually wrapping an arm around you and cuddling closer. "Dunno. Just no romance."

"Ew. Wouldn't dream of it. Hmm... marvel marathon?"


And you two cuddled while watching various marvel movies.

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