Let's Play A Game!

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A/N: This chapter will contain underage drinking, sexual jokes and implications, panic attacks

"What the fuck?" You and Shirabu spoke in unison as you two walked into the living room with all the food that was made.

Everyone in the room had at least one drink, and some were even drunk. Already?!

Bokuto walked over to you and wrapped you in his large, muscular arms. "Bestieeeeeee. You took too long, I kissed you."

"You mean missed?" You could hear the alcohol taking hold of him- he was slurring quite a bit. How long were you cooking?! And how much did he drink already?!

"Yesh!" He then kissed your cheek. "And now I kissed you too!" He and Kuroo- the two that were obviously drunker than the rest- began laughing uncontrollably.

Akaashi and Suga started helping you and Shirabu with the food. Once it was all placed, a bottle of vodka was placed in your hand.

You looked at who gave it to you and deadpanned. "Why would you give me an entire bottle, Tendou?"

Shirabu glared at the redhead. "She doesn't need that much. And don't give her anything! You probably put something in it. Don't drink it, Y/n."

Tendou frowned at Shirabu. "Don't be mean. Y/n-chan! You should start drinking! So many of us had at least one full bottle of any alcoholic beverage of our choice. It's your turn to finally relax and let loose!"

You smiled, taking a fairly large swig of the drink. "Thanks!" You turned to Shirabu. "Let's drink up, ok?"

He nodded and took a drink of the beer that was placed in his hand. "Ugh! Bitter!"

Tendou laughed. "It matches your personality!" And walked off to who even knows where.

You giggled at Shirabu. "Vodka's even worse. You're lucky. Beer is also lighter, not as high an alcohol content as what vodka has. Are you a lightweight or heavyweight?"

"I don't drink much, so I guess I might be a lightweight. You?"

"Heavyweight. I drank quite a bit as a way to deal with my problems..."
You turned away from him, not wanting to see his reaction.

He wrapped an arm around you. "Ok. Let's go sit down, yeah?"

You looked at him and smiled, leaning on him a bit. "Sure. Cuddle?"

"Definitely." And he led you to a couch that you both sat down on, cuddling up next to each other while still drinking from the bottles in your hands, occasionally taking sips from the other's bottle.

A voice cut through the room, making everyone stop and look at them. It was none other then the hair himself: Bokuto Kotaro. "LETS PLAY A GAME!"

You smiled, raising your voice so everyone could hear. "What game?"

"7 minutes in heaven!" A voice answered, and everyone went with it. You found out that Oikawa Toru was the owner of that voice.

You gulped when it was decided that everyone would play 7 minutes in heaven. You knew that was a game known for people being locked into a closer together and they'd end up making out or even have sex. The thought of someone possibly taking your virginity this way scared you.

Shirabu, on the other hand, looked annoyed. "Of course they'd choose this stupid game." He looked at you. "You good?"

"I'm a virgin..."
You whispered very softly, so only he could hear. "And I've never had my first kiss either..."

His eyes widened. "Holy shit..."

A shadow loomed over you two. "Let's play!" Tendou grabbed the both of you and brought you to the large circle on the ground.

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