Chapter 17

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The next morning Ryan and Chase woke up all tangled together

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The next morning Ryan and Chase woke up all tangled together.

"Hmm sleepy head wake up." Ryan says kissing his shoulder.

"Wouldn't be sleepy if someone didn't keep me up last night." Chase says smiling at him.

"Hmm didn't hear you complaining as I made you cum what 7 times?" Ryan says nibbling his shoulder to leave a mark.

"Hmm lost count after the fourth time." Chase says.

Ryan laughs.   They share a few kisses and then get up and get dressed.   They made sure they had everything and then head out.   They eat breakfast.    They land a little bit later.   Ryan and Chase grab their bags and head out.

"Damn we are in São Paulo Brazil!" Chase  says.

"Wow it's so beautiful." Ryan replies.

"Not as beautiful as you." Chase says.

Ryan blushes.

"I mean it bae and you are all mine.   I love you.." chase says.

"I lode you too." Ryan says

They open their clue.   Ryan and Chase rent a car and then they had to  drive themselves to a farm along Kilometer 114 Highway SP-225, where they would find a zipline.     Both team members must ride the 300-foot zipline to receive their next clue.   Ryan and Chase get ready and then go down it.

As soon as their feet touched the ground they got it.   They take off their gear.   They grab their bags and race off.

Ryan and Chase then make their way to the bus depot in Brotas. Once there, they must claim tickets for charter buses leaving 45 minutes apart beginning at 9:45 am back to São Paulo.

They turn over the car and baked the bus.   Once back in São Paulo they then head back to the airfield.   They board the plane and take off to their next destination.

Ryan and Chase ended up napping during the flight.          They finally land in  Moscow, Russia.   

"Damn let's go.   This is the second to last part.   Whoever is last is eliminated and won't make the final 2." Ryan says.

"Let's go then." Chase says.

Ryan and Chase must make their way to Chaika Bassein, where they would find their next clue.    Ryan rips it open.

""Who wants to take the plunge?" The team member assigned to perform this Roadblock must put on a bathing suit and dive off a 10-meter diving platform into the pool below, in frigid weather.    Once they took the plunge, they had to swim to the bottom of the pool to retrieve their next clue." Ryan says.

"I will do it." Chase says.

"Okay baby." Ryan replies.

Chase leaves his bag with him.   He goes to get ready.   He comes out in a Speedo and goggles.

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