Chapter 42

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It's been a few weeks since New Years

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It's been a few weeks since New Years.   They were  all back home at Ryan's house in North Carolina as Ryan and Chase prepared for the upcoming season.       Lilly started a job working for Chase at HMS.   She was happy and so were the boys and that was all that mattered to her.  

She had just gotten home from work and was taking care of the twins.   That was when Chase and Ryan both came up behind her.

"What's up?" Lilly asks.

"Go pack." Chase says.

"Oh my god are you changing your mind?" Lilly asks panicking.

"God no baby.   Don't ever think that okay.   But pack a bag because we are taking a little pre season Vacation." Ryan says.

"Okay to where?" Lilly asks.

"Iceland... one of the trips we won from the Amazing Race that we are cashing in on.    So go pack." Chase says.

"Okay but what about work.   I just started and I am taking vacation already." Lilly says.

"I am your boss baby and I it's okay.    Also I cleared it with Rick too.   It's all good." Chase says.

"Good.   I don't want to get in trouble." Lilly says.

"You won't baby please don't worry about that.   And no I wont show you favoritism either." Chase says.

"Okay." Lilly says.

She then goes and packs for herself and the twins.   She then takes the luggage down.    Ryan took it out into the car with his and Chases.  

"Are the dogs coming?" Lilly asks.

"Oh yeah they are." Ryan replies.

"Yup place we are staying allows dogs."Chase says.

"Ok." Lilly says.

They get the twins and the dogs and head to the airfield.    They board the plane and once cleared Chase took off.     He was flying.    Lilly and Ryan dozed off.

A little bit later they land in Iceland.    They get off the plane and head to the blue lagoon spa and resort.   That's where they would be staying the next few days.    They check in and settle in.

"Take a nap because later on in the morning we are exploring." Chase says.

"Okay sounds good." Ryan says.

"I can't wait." Lilly says.

Ryan and Chase let the dogs out to use the bathroom. Lilly put the twins down in their pack and play.   They were out like lights.    Lilly laid down too.    A few minutes later they were snuggled with her.    They settle down for a much needed nap.

A little bit later they woke up and got ready.   They got the twins up and ready..

"Ready to go?" Chase asks.

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