Chapter 46:

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The next morning Lilly woke up before the boys

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The next morning Lilly woke up before the boys.    She got the twins up, dressed and fed.    She then goes and puts them in their swings while she made breakfast.    She had just finished putt the food on the table when both Ryan and Chase came out of the bedroom in just towels.

"Was wondering where you ran off too?" Ryan asks.

"Its race week and I am making you both breakfast." Lilly says.

"It smells good." Chase says.
"C I Thanks." Lilly replies.

They both sat down and started putting food on their plates.   Lilly sits down and eats too.

"So what is on the agenda for  today?" Lilly asks.

"Practice and then Quals." Chase replies.

"Yes after tonight we will know who starts on he pole for the race as well as second but then the rest of the field will be set  for the duels." Ryan says.

"Okay that makes sense.  So it will be a busy day then?" Lilly asks.

"Yes I have a few appearances with Napa." Chase says.

"Yeah and I got a few with Menards.   But Erin is here with Will so maybe you two can hang out." Ryan says.

"I will love that.   I love Erin." Lilly says.

"Everyone who meets her does.   She just has that way with people." Chase says.

"She does.  The Blaney charm." Ryan says.

Lilly and Chase chuckle.    They finish breakfast and the boys clean up.   They then head and get changed.   They head off to their respected appearances.

Lilly cleaned up the coach and was just about to make lunch when there was a knock at the coach door. Lilly opened it finding Erin standing there.

"Come on." Lilly says.

"Thanks I want see my niece and nephew and get to know his mom." Erin says.

"Sounds good.    Do you want something to drink?" Lilly asks.

"Sure tea okay?" Erin asks.

"Sounds good to me." Lilly says.

She made some tea.     When it was finished she pours them each a cup.    Erin was holding Clyde and Georgia was in her swing watching intently.

"They are both so precious.    Thanks for giving life to them and making my brothers both the happiest of people on the planet.    They love each other so much and since neither of them can have a baby I am glad it was you who could give it to them." Erin says.

"Thanks.   I love them both so much." Lilly says.

"I know I can tell.   Now tell me about your self." Erin says.  

"My name is Lilly Rose Roberts and I am front Birmingham Alabama.    I went to LSU where I studied Public Relations." Lilly says.

"Oh you went to Bama!  I did too!" Erin squeals.

"Yes it was a fun school.  I am a huge NASCAR fan so when I got to intern for them I was so excited to work.    That is how I met your brother.     We hit it off and became fast friends.    We kept it touch.     So when I saw Kyle out him and Chase I texted and we talked a lot." Lilly says.

"I am glad he had you." Erin says.

"So when he asked for me to carry his and Chase's baby I quickly agreed. " Lilly says.

"I am glad you were willing to do it.   That's a huge sacrifice." Erin replied.

"I know but it was worth it.   And not even more since I ended up with them both." Lilly says.

"Yes the cutest trio there is." Erin  says.

"Thanks." Lilly says.

They chat a lot and Erin helped her get dinner ready.     She then left.     No sooner then she left HRyan and Chase came back.

"Ready to eat guys.   I know you have to head down to qualifications soon." Lilly says.

"Yes but we are both starving so let's eat before we have to be down at the track." Ryan says.

"Yes and it smells so good."  Chase says.

"Well let's eat." Lilly says. 

They sit down and eat together.    Finally they finish and Lilly cleans up.     They then head to the track.   Ryan and Chase go to their respected haulers and get changed.     Lilly waits and heads to the pits with them she had the sleeping twins in their sling.  

"Good luck Chase, I love you." Lilly says kissing him.

"Love you too baby." Chase says kissing back.

"I love you too Ryan.   Good luck." Lilly says.

"Thanks baby.  Love you more." Ryan says.

They each share a few kisses.    They kiss the twins as well.   The boys then head to their cars.     Lilly watches qualifications holding her breath.   Chase and Ryan just missed the pole.     Ryan finished in third and Chase in fourth.      They finish up with what they needed to do.   Lilly finished up on her end with the PR.    The boys head to the hauler to change.   The twins were still wide awake taking in the surroundings.     The boys come out and they head back to the coach.

"I cannot believe they are awake." Ryan says.

"I know it's crazy." Chase replies.

"They were awake the whole time." Lilly says.

"Wow." Ryan and Chase both say.

They help her get them ready for bed changing them.   Lilly feeds them and then they lay them down in their pack and play.    They finally fall asleep.

Chase, Lilly and Ryan then go and lay down in their bed.

"Okay so with you guys being 3rd and 4th what does that mean for the duels?" Lilly asks.

"So they split us into two groups.    Chase is in group 2 and will start on the pole.." Ryan says.
"Yes and Ryan is in group 1 and will start on the pole. " Chase says.

"Wow okay.   That is awesome." Lilly says.

"Yeah so if Ryan wins it will solidify his third place spot." Chase says.

"And if Chase wins it will solidify his fourth place." Ryan says.

"Well we will just pray that happens ."  Lilly says.

"I have a feeling." Ryan says.

"So do I." Chase says.

"'Me too." Lilly replies.

"Let's to bed." Ryan says.

"Yes it's going to be the longest day tomorrow ."  Chase says.

"Sounds good." Lilly says..

They make love a few times before falling into a much needed sleep.

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