# 27 #

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"it is for the fucking better." donghyuck muttered, placing his head between his crossed arms over the table.

"hyuck? everything alright?" renjun asked, taking a sit next to the sad boy.

"yeah, just... mark, you know?" donghyuck replied nonchalantly, lifting his head for a second before putting it back where it was.

"so, you really fell deep for him..." the smaller stated, almost chuckling.


"i can still remember you yelling at us that you didn't want a relationship last time we told you about a girl." this time, renjun chuckled.

"guess what, time changes." donghyuck mumbled.

"yeah." renjun nodded. "so, you want a relationship now?"

donghyuck shook his head. "i want a mark. it's very different."

"yeah, i know. the only thing you want is him, and you don't mind waiting for years to have him. but you'll never replace him by someone else."

the tanned male stayed silent for a while, just thinking about his life.

he tired imagining himself in the future, and the different scenarios that could happen.

first, him and mark getting together, in a utopian world, and never being separated.

then, mark and dahyun breaking up, and mark getting with donghyuck, causing his whole family to hate them.

then, mark and dahyun breaking up, and mark and donghyuck never getting together, because they couldn't do that to dahyun.

then, mark and dahyun breaking up, but mark disappearing and never coming back to donghyuck, because the tanned male was the cause of his break up.


those scenarios weren't the most optimistic.

but hwat could donghyuck do?

he had to stay away from mark, and let his feelings fade away.

it was for the better.

"yeah..." donghyuck sighed, approving renjun's sayings. "you know what you're talking about, don't you?"

"i used to, yes." renjun nodded.

"wait, you used to?"

"mmh." renjun looked at donghyuck with a smile. "i- "

"junnie! you didn't wait for us!!" a voice cut renjun's sentence.

donghyuck's eyes widened as jeno and jaemin walked towards renjun, the younger cupping renjun's cheeks with his hands and pecking his lips as soon as he got close enough.

the tanned male was already utterly shocked by this, but to add a coat, jeno leant forwards too, kissing renjun for a bit longer than jaemin had.

"w-wait a damn second!" donghyuck exclaimed, rubbing his temples. "how?!"

"jeno and jaemin confessed their feelings to me. we're a couple now." renjun smiled brightly, leaning into his boyfriends' touch.

donghyuck's brows furrowed as he looked at the old couple. "and you guys didn't even think about telling me?!"

"you weren't talking to us." jeno informed.

"we've started to talk again for a week, i could have been informed!"

"you could have noticed too that renjun always sit between the two of us and cuddles whenever he wants to." jaemin raised a brow.

cheater - nct, markhyuckजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें