# 18 #

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"i'm sorry, what?!" mark asked, his eyes widened in shock.

he must have misheard donghyuck's words.

there was no other possible explanation.

he absolutely hadn't heard donghyuck saying that they would need to make out.

"don't look at me like that, i don't like that idea either." donghyuck spat. "but you gave me no other choice."

"no other choice than what?" mark asked again, hoping to clarify everything.

"than making out with you." donghyuck sighed in despair. "have you seen how bad you were just ten seconds ago? of course, you didn't... you were kissing... but, well, i saw it! and let me tell you, it was worse than any horror movie!"

"it wasn't that bad..." mark rolled his eyes, trying to reassure himself.

"really now?" donghyuck raised a brow. "your tongue was out of your mouths, your hands were awkwardly placed on her thighs, your eyes were shut close- do you want me to keep going?"

"n-no..." mark stuttered, his cheeks red because of embarrassment. "but i don't want to make out with you!"

"do i look like i do?" donghyuck snorted. "because i'd rather finish second all year than do it! but it's not my fault you're going to lose your girlfriend because you don't know how to kiss properly! now come here and let's get over with this!" the tanned male added, signalling mark to approach.

"no! i won't kiss you!" mark exclaimed, taking steps backwards. "never!" he added, turning around and reaching for the door handle to open the door.

mark was absolutely not going to kiss his girlfriend's brother.

first of all, this was wrong, and could be considered cheating.

and second of all, he wasn't gay, and the kiss would disgust him more than anything. so, there was no point trying.

mark would rather lose his girlfriend because of his incapacity to be a good lover.

the older boy pulled the door open, and he was about to slide out of the room when the door was slammed shut again by another hand, and locked in the same process.

before mark could register what had happened, he was gripped by the shoulders and – quite violently – turned around and pinned against the door.

the boy gulped when he realised donghyuck was holding him against the closed door, his palms pushing mark's shoulders against the wooden material behind him, almost making it hurt. donghyuck's face was decorated with a wide grin, and mark could even see fire dancing into his eyes, making him look like a demon.

mark started to wonder if he wasn't in hell, because the temperature in the room seemed to increase quickly, making it harder for mark to breathe regularly – and the fact donghyuck was devouring him with his eyes sure didn't help.

"d-donghyuck...?" mark mumbled, trying to decipher donghyuck's expression. was it anger? joy? lust? envy? madness? mark wasn't sure, but judging by the way donghyuck's face got closer to his, it meant nothing good.

"shh..." donghyuck whispered, pushing mark harder against the door, making the older whimper.

donghyuck stared into mark's confused eyes for long seconds, keeping his face centimetres away from mark's, allowing him to feel the perfect boy's ravaged breaths.

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