# 2 #

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donghyuck jumped on his seat as someone slammed a tray next to him at the canteen.

"hello donghyuck."

"oh god, please, not you..." the tanned male sighed, closing his eyes in despair.

"oh, yes, me." the girl replied sitting now.

"dahyun, i don't want to see you. i was eating peacefully." donghyuck declared.

"you were alone. and i don't want my brother to be alone." she explained, resting her head on donghyuck's shoulder lovingly.

"come on, just get off me!" he replied harshly, pushing her head away. "people are going to think we're dating!"

the girl scoffed, sitting straight again. "we have the same face, idiot. you need to be blind not to realise we're blood related."

"hey! respect your elder!" donghyuck scolded.

"it was two minutes, donghyuck. two fucking minutes." dahyun rolled her eyes. it seemed like they were always having the same conversation.

"well, still. they make me your elder. so, you need to respect me." donghyuck assured.

"right, excuse me, your majesty."

donghyuck huffed, going back to eating while looking at his phone.

"why are you alone anyway?" dahyun asked

"i'm not alone anymore. you're here." donghyuck sassed.

"why were you alone, then?"

"because i wanted to. and i still do." donghyuck replied, motioning for his sister to go away.

dahyun didn't react.

she was used to her brother being like that, a sassy and salty bitch.

so, she didn't care whether he cursed at her or pushed her away. that's how they were together anyway.

"you know that your table could be filled of girls who want to date you? you're so popular among them." dahyun continued speaking. "the school's heartthrob."

"i'm not interested." donghyuck told.

"in girls? or in dating?" dahyun smirked. she had made a wild guess that donghyuck was gay, but she had never been able to confirm her thoughts, so now, she tried everything possible to make donghyuck admit it to her. but she hadn't succeeded yet.

"dating." donghyuck replied nonchalantly.

"so, you don't want anyone sitting with you?" dahyun asked with a pout.

"my friends, eventually. but not a bunch of chicks who only care about me because of my looks and the winks i send them." donghyuck explained.

"oh, they don't care about you for your bitchy personality for sure." dahyun told, earning a slap on the arm from donghyuck.

"ouch!" she exclaimed. "why did you hit me asshole?!"

"you aren't respecting me!" donghyuck spoke back.

"i'm just saying the truth!"

"well- "

"hello guys!" a voice interrupted their bickering. "are you fighting again?"

both donghyuck and dahyun's heads turned to look at the person who had spoken, being met by five boys standing there with their trays full of food.

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