A note from me :))

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Hey guys...wow...I...I never thought that the day where I ended this series would come...

Damn. I can't imagine that this book gained so much love and support from all of you dedicated reader. It's funny how I hesitated so much at the beginning to even release the prologue to this book back in 2021...

This book has definitely reached far greater heights that I could have ever imagined. And honestly...I'm kinda sad to end this series entirely...I'll never get enough of Nabong :(.

Unfortunately...all things must eventually come to an end...and that includes this book.


To everyone who took the time to pick up this book and read it.

I thank you.

Thank you so much for ever considering to even click on this book out of so many other Nayeon fanfics. Every new read, new vote and new comment gives me inexplicable joy and motivation to keep going.

Thank you all so, so much for the love and support...it's been a whole ride of fluff, smut and cliffhangers, and you stuck with me through it all.

You've all changed my life really...every time I look back in how I started, I still find it hard to believe that I'm here where I am today.

Oh yes and before I go.

I'll be taking a 1-3 week Hiatus after this book ends, to catch a breather and catch up with work. But with that being said, I have a couple of one shots lined up and I'll be posting them on tumblr, so drop a follow if you wanna see more of my works :).

Thank you all so much once again and I'll be back soon with Sana!


May this Sana rolling vid bless you and make you feel anticipation towards the new book.

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