13: My bunny [intermission]

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"Fuck I hate conventions..." I sigh as I slide into the car.

"I know honey, I know," he smiles as he closes his door. "Hell if I got 10 won for every time I heard that I'd be rich!"

"I don't say it that often..."

"Oh really? Let's see then."

He turns to face me.

"Young innovators convention, Investors Convention, Seoul U funding convention, JYP invite convention, Business showcase convention."

"Alright alright, I get it!"

"Oh, I'm not done Nabong. There's the-"

"Oh for fucks sake shut up!" I whine. He laughs and smiles.

"At least you know," he smirks as he buckles up. I huff and start up the car, keying in the coordinates to the office. Thank god this was the last thing on a Friday.

"God the sky's beautiful today!" He exclaims like a little kid as he pulls out his phone to take a photo of the 4 pm sky. I smile as he excitedly snaps photos, smiling like a kid who just won a years worth of candy.

He's so cute...

"Ya, Nayeon...it's Friday right?"


"Great. Let's have a date night tonight."

"How the hell did this conversation turn from clouds to date night?"

"I think on my feet," he smiles. I laugh.

"Whatever you say honey...but yea, we should have a date night tonight..."

It's been so long since we had a moment where it was just the two of us outside the office, having fun or just walking.

"Great minds think alike babe. Alright, what do we want to do then?"


"Nah...my legs are tired...dinner?"

"Everywhere's gonna be crowded, it's Friday...game night?"

"Mina and Chaeng are using the switch tonight...ah fuck this is hard..."

We both go silent, wracking our brains for something to do. My mind slowly wandered until I finally got an idea.

"How about we stay in my cabin?" I suggest. He raises an eyebrow.

"Cabin? You have a cabin?"

"No, In just saying that I do cause I like lying. Of course, I have a cabin Pabo! I'm rich!"

"Right...anyway back on track...what can we do there."

"Well...I'm thinking we can just chill you know? Just the two of us...no noise, no city, no Chaeng, Mina, Sana or Dubu...just the two of us."

"Aww...if you wanted to be alone with me you could've just said it, honey."

I roll my eyes.

"I will stop this car and throw you out."

"I take that back," he chuckles. I smirk and stick my tongue out at him.

"Good boy," I giggle.

"Thank you, Mommy," he winks back. I laugh and free one hand off the steering wheel to hold his.

"Who knew you could be so naughty hm?"

"Helps when you're girlfriend is a naughty bunny," He chuckles. I look at the road ahead...it's a straight road...I can afford a small bit of time.

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