21: The norm

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Hi everyone! This is the last chapter before the Epilogue, and essentially, it's just an outlet to unload all my fluff and smut in my mind, as well as link some stuff back the the main timeline in LSMU where Sang-woo is slowly coming into the story. Thank you guys all so much for your love and support and we will be back with the Epilogue soon!



Soft, blue and yellow light from the street fills the room as I stare at the ceiling. For some reason, I just can't seem to sleep tonight, even though Sang-woo just got discharged this afternoon. He had sex, rough, hardcore sex through the entire afternoon in my place before passing out. We woke up and came over here to have dinner with the girls.

After the dinner, I was bone tired...and yet...I just can't fall asleep...every time I close my eyes, I just see Sang-woo getting beaten helplessly back in that warehouse. Even though I agreed not to think about the issue, it's hard not to feel guilty knowing that you caused the one you love to get hurt.

I turn onto my side, staring at my boyfriend's sleeping face. His chest rises and falls in a slow, calming rhythm as he snores lightly. I chuckle, pecking him on the forehead before deciding to head out of bed for some air. I try to be as silent as I can as I slide out of bed and slip on my bunny slippers. Opening the door silently, I head towards the balcony, slide open the door and step out into the night. I take a deep breath as I lean against the railings, the cool pleasant tingle of the chilly night air on my skin doing me some good and helping me clear my mind.

My hand reaches up to play with my bunny necklace as I stare out into the late night streets of Myeong-dong from his apartment, my other hand lightly drumming on the steel railing as I just stare out into the void.

"Aish...you need to get a grip Nayeon..." I scold myself as I bite my lower lip. I close my eyes, drawing in deep breaths as I let fresh, night air enter my lungs.

"Ya...can't sleep, Jagi?"

A familiar set of hands wrap around my front, elbows resting in my shoulder. I reach up and touch his hand.

"Did I wake you honey?" I whisper as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, nuzzling gently.

"Nah...I woke up for some water and saw you here. I felt like joining you so...here we are."

I chuckle and look back at him.

"I'm fine honey, just need some air...go bed to bed okay?"

As stubborn as usual, he leans down and captures my lips.

"Nayeon-a...you're not fine. It's 3 am on a friday night, normally you'd be fast asleep by now. What's keeping you up?"

I sigh and turn to face him.

"I...It's fine jagi..." I try. His arms wrap around my back and he presses his forehead against mine.

"I am not going back to bed till you tell me what's up," he whispers. I just can't hide anything can I?

"It's...it's about the Warehouse..." I explain. "Every time I close my eyes I...I just see you...I see you getting..."

He takes my face in his hands, sighing softly.

"Darling...it's not your fault..." He says with a soft smile. I close my eyes.

"I...I know but...it's hard not to blame yourself when you know it's your fault..." I huff. He nods and uses his thumb to gently rub my cheek.

"Don't be harsh on yourself baby...you do that too much..."

"I know...and I'm trying to stop but...it's a habit now you know?"

SociopathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon