Not what you think.

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My name is William Solace, I go by Will, and I am a Son of Apollo. Head of Apollo Cabin and leading battle medic and head of the infirmary at Camp Half Blood

Many might describe me as a ray of sunshine. And I heard many people say I am the perfect guy.

Little do they know I am no where near the perfect guy...

I am Female to Male transgender (FTM) I was biological sex didn't match what I truly was and identified as

Living with my mom who was a country singer and tried to keep me hidden from the spotlight decided I should go to Camp at the age of 5 in fear of monsters and paparazzi.

But at the age 5 I knew I wasn't a girl and I told my Mom I was a boy. She was accepting but that gave her more reason to send me to camp early. Knowing my needs would be provided for there she sent Chiron a letter. We cut my hair and Chiron arranged for a Satyr named Gleeson Hedge to get me. Saying good-bye I set off to my new life as William Solace

When I hit the age of 11 my mom mailed me puberty blockers and by age of 13 I was on T.

The camp provided Binders in all sizes. So those were easy to access. My siblings do not know I am trans besides Kayla and Austin. And only because I grew up with them at camp and need someone at my cabin to do my health checks

At the age of 14 during the 2nd Titan War my mom stopped mailing my T-shots. After the war I figured out she got strung out on alcohol and couldn't afford it. I haven't seen her since I was 5 and decided to visit her and that became a mistake.

She didn't want nothing to do with me and that day was the first day I met my father because when she threw me out of the house he appeared and took me back to camp in his chariot

I heard from a lot of people he was a loud mouth but that entire ride he was silent and only spoke to me when he dropped me off

"Your braver then you know" was all he said then disappeared

Unable to afford T. I was stuck at the progress I reached. Which was not bad since my voice got pretty deep within those 2 years on T and I didn't look feminine so I accepted it until I turned 18 and was able to get a job as a doctor to afford it.

So now at 15 years old. Head of infirmary and patching up campers left and right I began to wonder

Will I finally be able to complete myself

As soon as that thought of that a familiar face with dark brown eyes and black hair appears in view and I stare at him

He turns and glares at my gaze and I smile

Maybe...just maybe...


Its been a week since the Gaea war and finally things have been slowing down and I am exhausted.

Nico was here for 3 days and hasn't came back since. I see him sometimes when I take a breather but when he sees me he looks away from me and walks away

More like runs...

I run my hand through my hair and walk back in wincing taking a deep breath

I haven't left the infirmary since the war. Having to sleep in the work cots I wasn't able to take off my binder

This hurts

A hand comes on my shoulder and I jump and turn around and Austin looks at me sternly

"Go outside and join the activities" he ordered and I raised an eyebrow

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now