She entered her classroom only a man sitting on a bench apart from that the whole class was empty. His back was turned towards her so she couldn't look at his face. She frowned before turning back to leave the room when the door got closed making her shout.

"Tara Arjun Khurana", she heard a similar hard voice making her turn. She took a few steps back still looking at him.

"Your husband loves to take revenge, right? I would tell him what actual revenge looks like. I am tired of playing childish games. Now, he will know how it feels when you try to double-cross Agastya Aulakh", he said buttoning up his overcoat moving closer to her. 

"Let's play a game, Mrs. Khurana. You run as fast as you can and if I caught you, the game would end and your punishment would start. I am not like your coward husband, who won't even let somebody escape", he spoke playing with his gun. Immediately the door opened as Tara looked at him before running outside.

"Idiot", Agastya mumbled checking the magazine of his gun. His phone started ringing as his wife's picture came into his view.

"Not right now", he spoke before walking outside slowly like a predator ready to hunt. Arjun tried to step into his territory and Agastya will make sure he would regret it.


Chiya held her head not able to understand what to do. Her mother-in-law will come back in a week and she still didn't know where Dhriti was. She gave her Dhriti's responsibility and she really felt like she broke her trust.

She felt tears clouding her vision looking at her packed bag.

Agastya put her on house arrest after he came to know about her changing places with Dhriti. She couldn't even go to visit her parents according to him. 

It was the last way to save Dhriti. She sniffed before wiping her tears when she heard a loud cry making her frown. She walked out of her room to find two bodyguards standing out of her doorsteps.

"Ma'am, you can't go out", one of them spoke knowing their boss's order.

"I need to get water", she lied making them nod with one of them following her. She heard the same cry again making her look back at the guard before taking a sharp turn. Before the guard can think twice, she ran to the basement managing her saree properly with the guard running behind her.

The whimpers and cries she heard before got louder as she moved closer to a certain room. She opened the door to find her husband sitting on the chair while Arjun's wife was in a cage with snakes in it. Her eyes widened as she moved to the cage. The guard with her stood in the corner knowing how much trouble he has coming towards him.

Agastya observed her action as she opened the cage removing the snakes from Tara. He was very well known for the fact of Chiya's fear of snakes but she seemed brave today to save somebody else. That's why he called his wife stupid.

Tara hugged Chiya in fear as Chiya helped her get out of the cage.

"Enough melodrama. Wifey can you please go back to our room. I need to complete some task", Agastya spoke his voice dipped in honey and sarcasm.

"Why are you doing this? Dhriti is with Arjun. He can do anything with her if you troubled his wife", Chiya spoke pushing Tara behind her who looked very scared.

"I want him to know how it feels when your loved ones are being punished for your crimes", Agastya spoke pushing his curly brown hair behind looking irritated.

"Why are you both pulling the women of each other's family in this revenge game. Why don't you just fight like a real man", Chiya spoke holding Tara who fall to her knees because of her fear.

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