Morro looked at them before smirking. "Like what I've done with it? I thought it could use a new upgrade. I'd say we did a pretty good job with it,"He said and swung the blade around, "wouldn't you agree?" He asked as he looked back at three who glared at him. He only chuckled in response before getting into fighting position.

Cole lowered his head before speaking to the others. "Remember the plan-"

There was a loud yelp as Nya was snatched by metal hands as a large statue stood over them.

Jay and Cole stared eyes wide before shifting as they heard stomping coming from the other rooms as possessed statues made their way in.

Morro grinned before pointing his blade at them. "Kill them..." He said and the possessed statues lunged towards them.

(The others)
Taking the book off from the table, Zane placed it back, hidden in his satchel while Misako clung to the file in her arms. Their attention turned as they heard a loud crash coming from the direction where the three had left.

"That didn't sound good..." Skylor said.

Lloyd frowned before looking back at the two. "Zane, hurry and find an exit. We'll handle it from here." He said before, running out of the room with Skylor.

Zane looked at Misako before nodding. "Alright, let's try and find an exit." He just hoped they wouldn't run into whatever had made that sound.

(Cole, Jay, and Nya)
Jay watched as Nya was lifted off from the ground. Her hands trapped to her sides as she let another cry for help. "Nya!" Jay called out before a large weapon came down at them.

Cole and Jay yelped as they jumped back avoiding the attack.

There were a total of three possessed statues. The one holding Nya being the largest as the other two were barely double their sizes.

Cole watched before looking at Morro as he made his way, running to another hallway. He growled trying to make his way to him until the other two statues blocked him and swung an arm at him, shoving him away. Cole fell down to his back before looking up at the possessed statues as the spirits possessing the statue laughed as they approached him. Cole would be lying if he said the multiple haunting laughs didn't send him chills.

Jay quickly jumped up to the larger statue's arm. Clinging to it as he tried to get to Nya. "Hang on Nya! I got you!"

Nya struggled through the statue's iron grip as she tried to set herself free. "Nhg... could you be a bit faster?" She asked. As she tried pulling her arms out. If only she could be set free, then she could stop these statues with her powers.

(Lloyd and Skylor)
Lloyd and Skylor held out their weapons as they looked around, waiting for any sign of the other. The two had already begun making their way to finding an exit. He just hoped they would find one and reach the bounty on time.

Skylor looked around before she looked at Lloyd when he called for her.

"Skylor. Here, take this." He said as he handed her a red Aeroblade. "It was Kai's, you'll need it to help protect yourself from the ghost." He said to which she responded with a nod as she placed it away safely until needed.

The two immediately shifted when they saw the familiar figure walking down the room and towards them.

"Well well... if it isn't Kai's girlfriend and the kid he babysits. Both side by side..." Morro said as he stopped a good distance away from them. "This will be interesting~." He said with a grin.

Vengeful Fire (Possessed Kai ninjago fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now