1: The Beginning

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My alarm went off loudly, echoing throughout my apartment walls. I slowly rose up rubbing the crust out my eyes.

I walked towards my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror making a disgusted face.

I quickly brushed my teeth, styled my hair and put some basic clothes on. I had to leave out for work. I was a cashier at a store nearby.

My days were always pretty boring it was the same thing everyday and I was waiting for the day I'd drop down and die. I was tired of waking up just to see and do the same things everyday.

I wanted to do something with my life but I didn't know what. As soon as high school ended I couldn't get a job anywhere, they kept saying I needed experience but how can I get experience if no one will hire me.

I couldn't afford college. My parents kicked me out as soon as I turned 18 so I was homeless for three weeks until this guy at the corner store I now work at offered me a job.

My parents never cared for me they just did what they were forced to do as parents, and that was feed me and at least give me a bed to sleep in. I hated them, they didn't love me they only saw me as a burden. If they didn't want a child they should've used a god damn condom. It'll feel good just for those couple of minutes then hurt like a bitch for 18+ years.

Like if you don't want a kid to take care of, don't risk those couple of minutes just to feel good...

I also have a brother but he came about 3 years after me and he was planned.

Since he was a planned baby my parents gave him everything he wanted and they took him to amazing places and it's like I never existed, they'd leave me home at the age of 11 while he got to go to amusement parks.

my parents gave him a huge room in the house, he got to use the old guest room and I always had to sleep in the attic but I did make it look nice.


The corner store I worked at was run down but I got paid good. The owner is honestly just a pedophile because I'm young. He'd pay me extra just because I'd come in looking "sexy" even though I'd only be wearing sweat pants, a T-shirt and a jacket.

he only took me in because "I'm a young girl with no where to go" and because of that he thinks he can do whatever he wants to me and say whatever he wants knowing I can't really do anything about it because I need this job. Once he even grabbed my thigh and acted as if he didn't do it.

I have to fend for myself, I know no one's gonna magically come save me from this hell I live in but everyday I wish someone would. God isn't even real he was only created so humans have something to turn to when things get rough.

After being in my thoughts for awhile I finally left out my run down apartment complex and started walking towards the corner store. I didn't even wanna be there, I was afraid the owner would one day actually try to do something extremely harmful to me and I still wouldn't quit cause I'd wind up on the streets again starving.

As I approached the front door that made little chimes go off when opened I went inside and went behind the counter sitting down on the chair in the corner waiting for the store to open in 10 minutes.

My boss then came from the back, made a disgusting remark about my body and went to the front to switch the closed sign to open. It was dangerous working here and being in this area but it's my fault.

When I got kicked out I accidentally wandered into a horrible area and not knowing where I was I just sat down on the sidewalk waiting for something to happen and that's when those 3 weeks passed by.

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