Chapter 49

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Daniel came up with the idea we would try to implement into reality right now. Lando and I were spending a Wednesday evening at Daniel's place close to London and I decided to cook for them. The Aussie then had the idea to cook together on a live stream and donate the money we would get in the stream donations to a charity working closely together with the McLaren Racing team. The charity we chose was called Mind and provides information and support for those with mental health issues. The charity meant very much to both Lando and me, as well as Daniel since we were in positions where we all experienced these problems ourselves and we got the right support. Now we wanted to help other people get the same support we were able to get. 

"All right, we are almost ready to get started.", Wyatt stated and looked up from the computer. He was accompanied by Stacey, who was the first one to agree when I came to her with the idea. She even expanded it a little more. Now we were just about to start a full-on cooking duel between the McLaren drivers and the McLaren team bosses. My role was to moderate the entire thing, to read some questions that came live in the chat to the participants and to be the judge together with Stacey and Wyatt later on. 

I was still standing behind the counter in my kitchen, leaning on it with my arms, when Lando came up behind me. His hands wrapped around my waist and he rested his head in the crook of my neck. I giggled a little. 

"What's up?", I asked him.

"Nothing.", he answered. "Just wanted to hug you one more time since I can't do that for the next hour or so." I turned around without him releasing me from his hug. 

"Aw, you can be so cute sometimes.", I said and gave him a quick kiss. He smiled when I looked at him again. 

"You guys are pathetic.", Daniel said while walking by but he had a bright smile on his face. 

"Thanks, Danny.", I said. "I'll remind you of that when you have a girlfriend."

"Ouch.", he said and raised his hand to where his heart was. Lando let go of me but stayed close to me. 

"You ready?", he asked. He knew I was a little bit nervous about this event. I knew I should be looking forward to this and enjoy the time I can spend with my friends but I just didn't want to make things public between Lando and me by accident. 

"Yeah.", I said. "Just remember if a question about us will come up, I will say that we are just friends. Don't be mad about it."

"Yeah. I know. But it's definitely better if you answer the question then. I'm just a horrible liar."

"I know, babe. I know." My hand patted his cheek gently before I left the camera frame. We had announced that this live stream would happen, but Lando and his team didn't say that I was involved, too. They only said that a special guest was also taking part. The plan was that Lando and Daniel introduced the live stream and then welcome Zak and Andreas. Lastly, I would come in the frame and start to moderate the entire thing. 

"Okay, are you all ready?", Stacey asked all of us and got head nods as an answer. I was standing next to Zak and Andreas, but we stayed silent since Wyatt turned on the live stream already. Lando and Daniel were now behind the camera with Wyatt to wait for some viewers before actually starting. Lando set up some things as well since it was his channel the stream was streaming on. Some minutes after, Lando and Daniel just walked into the frame behind my counter and smiled. They had a phone sitting down on the counter where they could see the stream and the chat. 

"What's up, chat.", Lando greeted the viewers in the stream naturally. He knew exactly how to do these things since he loved to stream on Twitch. Daniel waved with his usual smile on his face. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now