Chapter 36

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I knew I needed to hurry if I wanted to be on time at Lando's this evening. Immediately when I arrived back at Fifi's place, I took a shower and got dressed in some better-looking clothes. I ended up wearing a white button-up which perfectly hugged my waist and some black suit jeans. I combined the outfit with some elegant boots, which had the same colour as the blouse and a denim jacket to keep it a little more chill and not as much business. 

 After I told Fifi where I was going, and after she completely lost her mind, I quickly left for my car and started to drive to Woking. I knew it would take me some time to get there. My navigation told me about two and a half hours. Exhausting, but I felt like Lando and his family were worth it. They helped me a lot with finding new management and Lando always supported me, no matter what, so that was the least I could do. 

To my surprise, the time of the drive passed by pretty quickly. I tried to shorten it by listening to some podcast episodes and some music. Some nerves started to play when I was about ten minutes away from Lando's house. Even though I had already met Adam today, it made me nervous to think about meeting the rest of the Norris family. I only knew that he had two sisters and a brother and that his mother was Belgian. 

I parked my car in front of Lando's house at 7:09 in the evening. Lando and I had settled to meet at seven, but I got stuck in traffic at one point and right away texted him that I would be a little late. I hated being late, especially today when I would meet his family. I just think it wasn't a good look being late, but I couldn't change it now. Lando also ensured me it was fine for his family and himself and that I should just arrive safely. Which I did eventually. 

Nervous, I exited my car and grabbed my small purse. Then I walked over to the front door of the cosy looking house and rang the doorbell. Some moments later, Lando opened the door and smiled at me. 

"You're here!", he greeted me with a tight hug and I smiled brightly. 

"Yes, I'm here. I promised, didn't I?", I replied and made him laugh with my sarcastic comment. 

"Yes, you did.", he said and closed the door behind me. "Can I take your jacket?"

"Yes, thank you." I handed him my denim jacket and looked around the entrance hall while he hung my jacket neatly on a hanger. 

"Your house is beautiful.", I complimented. I already loved his house. It was big, but not too big, and almost everything was painted in white. That in combination with the big windows and glass doors within the house made it lighter and more welcoming. It was the opposite of the house I grew up in. My mother never liked having the walls white, so everything was either pained in black or a shade of dark red. Depressing, if you asked me. 

"So are you.", Lando replied shyly and blushed. I smiled at him and laid my head to the side. 

"Thank you.", I almost whispered and made him smile as well. Voices were coming out of a doorframe to my left. Lando looked in the direction, then back at me. 

"Everybody else is in the living room.", he explained. "Ready to meet them?"

"Ready as I will ever be.", I said and he passed me to lead the way. I followed him nervously and looked above his shoulder when he stopped right after the doorframe. I saw people turning their heads and standing up from their respective sitting positions. I knew I shouldn't be hiding behind Lando, so I stepped out from his shadow and stood right next to him. I kindly smiled at the people who were all looking at me friendly. 

"So, everybody, this is Tia. Tia, these are my sisters Flo and Cisca,", he pointed to the two girls standing in front of the sofa.

"my brother Oliver with his fiancée Savannah and their daughter Mila," His hand pointed to the blonde boy with the girl on his side. She had a small baby in her arms. Mila was so small, I bet she was only a few weeks old. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now