Chapter 46

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"We really should be focussing now. The night is almost over and we need the shot." The director Henley said seriously. Normally, he was all about having fun at the set and he knew better than others how exhausting these night shootings could be. Still, he had a job to do and had to make sure the schedule would still fit. I got that. Kyle next to me got that. Piper across from me got that. So we tried to control our laughter. We had just lost it over a slip of the tongue from Piper. 

It was now around 5:30 in the morning and the sun would soon rise. We were shooting the second season of Toxic, a scene where Eric, Kyle's character, and Wendy, Piper's character, find Bits, my character, in the middle of the night in front of a small diner in the town next to their hometown. She had run away because she had yet another massive fight with her parents and couldn't stand being in the house anymore. It was supposed to be an emotional scene since Bits was not aware of the situation her parents had just been in while they were looking for her. Eric and Wendy knew about the accident that had happened, but the fact that we all were just knackered and running on about three coffees and two energy drinks made everything funny. 

"Everybody get ready! Silence please!", the director advised the crew and everybody around us started to go quiet. 

"Alright, guys, let's fucking focus.", I said while I giggled but soon after controlled my laughter. I went into acting mode and tried to imagine what it would feel like to lose my parents to some robbery. Somehow, I could imagine it pretty well. My expression dropped and I got into my position. Kyle and Piper had calmed down in the meantime, getting back into their roles. 

"Action!", Henley said loudly and I waited for Kyle to open the scene. 

"You need to get back to Dobbertin.", Kyle said in his Eric's voice. Dobbertin was the fictional city Bits, Eric and Wendy lived in, which was parted into brutal poverty and luxurious lifestyles. 

"I'm not going back there.", I said as Bits. She was supposed to be stubborn and always clinging to her decisions and opinions, so I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned back on the little red dining bench I was sitting on. My gaze went down to the table and I went over the edges of the fries that were sitting in front of me. 

"No, Bits, you don't understand!", Wendy tried to argue. In the script, it was written that Bits now just explodes because of all the feelings she had stored in her. So that's what I did.

"No, Wendy, you don't understand!", I screamed now. I saw Kyle and Piper flinching back a little. "You don't know how it is to be constantly fighting with your parents. You don't understand how often they have told me that I was a disgrace to the family. You don't know how many times they were just about to hit me. You don't know, okay? Your family is perfect and they would do everything for you. Mine wouldn't. So no. I'm not going back there. I'm better off alone."

A little silence settled in between us. I saw that Kyle inhaled a deep breath. Piper sat there like she was just being punched in the chest. I leaned forward now and rested my forearms on the metallic table. 

"And you don't understand what is going on back at home.", Kyle said now and my eyes jumped towards him. 

"I do understand very well.", I said in only a whisper now. "I know that they don't want me anymore."

"That's not true.", he answered back in character. His hand reached out to my arm. This wasn't written in the script, but it felt great and came naturally from him. 

"It is.", I said, now a little calmer. Bits was supposed to be very stubborn, but throughout season one, it became clear that Eric could calm her down. 

"You need to go home with us. It is important.", he said in a very calm voice. "Something has happened and you need to see it." I quickly changed my expression from angry to worried. That's what I imagined Bits to react to this news. Now she was also supposed to act insecure and unsure. 

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