Chapter 17

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"But yea, as I said I had a couple of moments where I was stuck in awkward situations because I had to think about my name. I don't even know how I got out of these situations. I was panicking so much I just brabbled something." A laugh escaped my lips as memories from those situations replayed in my mind. A specific situation went forward and made me laugh even more. I was out one night with Fifi and when some random dude asked about my full name, I accidentally knocked over his beer because I panicked so much.

"That's hilarious!", the moderator next to me laughed out loud and laughs and giggles were coming from the audience as well. 

"It really was.", I agreed and let my eyes scan the crowd, making eye contact with one or two of them. The laughter quieted down eventually and I turned back. 

"So, you're career has just taken off like a rocket. Has it been a little quieter around you right now or is it still as overwhelming as you stated at the beginning?" Jimmy Fallon, the host of the talk show I was on right now, leaned forward and rested his upper body on his lower arm that was resting on his desk in front of him. I've been in New York for this show and some other appointments, interviews and photoshoots I already finished in the days before. Being in the Big Apple for the past one and a half weeks has been amazing. I finally got out of England at an age that I would actually remember this trip. All the other trips I was on with my family before, I was way too young to remember anything. 

"I mean, I've been busy pretty much every day since then.", I explained but smiled. "But I love it, you know. It's an amazing privilege to be able to live and work like this so I try to experience every moment to the fullest. But yea, I enjoy the work, the people I get to meet and all the other things. And I guess it's been a little better than the first few days right now. But I'm still young, I'm 20 years old. So I'm in no rush in terms of only working and joining projects and things like that."

"But what about the fans? Don't they want you working constantly, without breaks?", Jimmy asked and took a route I wanted him to take. I had the task to get him to ask about the fans or the show, and I did that perfectly. Another point on my good actions account at the management. 

"Well, they might get something sooner rather than later." A big smile was on my face and Jimmy looked a little shocked. My teaser made him sit up a little more straight. He caught on to my words and his eyes scanned the live audience for a moment.

"What does that mean?", he asked just as excited and awaiting. I turned my attention and focus a little more on the audience, smiling at the tension that suddenly arose in this studio, and tried to direct my words not just to them, but also to the host to my left side.

"Well, today, I am pleased to tell you that Toxic will officially have a second season.", I said and laughed as I heard both the audience and Jimmy cheer. It was a pleasant feeling. I knew through the internet and social media how many fans the show got, but hearing this cheering in person and also coming from actual human beings was just a feeling from another dimension. I couldn't explain it, really.

"Wow, Tia! That's amazing." Jimmy almost had to scream above all the cheering coming from the audience. "How long have you known?" The cheering slowly went silent as the people watching heard me and Jimmy talking again.

"Ehm.", I said to give me some time to think about the actual time point where Netflix told me they would come back for a second season. It must have been a little more than two weeks after the Silverstone GP, in the same week I texted with Daniel about Lando and his state of feeling and wellbeing. That was now a little over three weeks ago. 

"I think I heard it first about three weeks ago?", I more asked than answered confidently. "Yea, around that time."

"Was it hard for you to keep quiet?", the moderator of the Tonight Show asked me next.

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