Chapter 18

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Leaving the plane and waiting for our luggage didn't take as long as I expected. We were walking out of the airport about 15 minutes after leaving the plane. The flashlights hurt my eyes, and I lowered my head. Don't ask me how, but a lot of people were waiting for us outside. When did they hear that I'll be flying to Austin? It had been literally four hours since I left the studio in New York. Through the screams of the paparazzi and the fans, I made out some questions or comments.

'Tia, how's Lucas doing?'
'Tia, right here. One picture!'
'Lando will be so excited to see you!'
'You and Daniel are literally goals!'
'Tia, I love you!'
'Can we take a selfie?'

Even though I was tired and wanted to see Lucas so badly, I lifted my head and walked over to the metal railings the fans and photographers were standing behind. The first fan I stopped in front of smiled at me and I agreed to take a selfie. Some others kept talking or screaming at me and I tried to fulfil all their wishes for the few minutes I had to spend with them. In the corner of my eye, I saw Julian standing impatiently waiting for me at the car, but he didn't make a movement to come and get me to leave. He knew exactly as well as I did that interacting with fans was very important. I made my way through the line of fans and was almost at the end when I greeted three girls. Their phones were directed at me.

"Hello, how are you?", I asked the three and they smiled brightly at me. 

"Good, thanks. Can you sign this for me?", one girl of them asked me. Her brown hair was tied up into a high ponytail, her blue eyes were fixated on me. 

"Of course.", I smiled at looked down at her hands, which hold something out for me. I let out a little giggle as I realised what they showed me. It was a picture, not of me though. It showed Lando and Daniel, and the McLaren Racing logo in the top right corner. 

"I knew you would like it.", she laughed as she saw my reaction. 

"McLaren is your favourite team, too, right?", her friend with blonde hair asked me and I looked up after finishing my signature. With a smile on my lips, I looked at her.

"I don't think it's my place to have a favourite team right now.", I simply stated. I knew I was being recorded and if I agreed with the girls, the internet would save the video and Julian would eventually see it. I can't risk that. 

"But you spend so much time with Lando and Daniel.", the third girl mentioned and I looked at her. My head nodded automatically.

"They are really nice.", I stated and smiled again. "I enjoy talking to them when I'm at a ra-"

"Can you and Lando just date already?", the first girl fell into my words. Surprised and a little annoyed, I turned my head to her. Just now I realised that she was wearing a blue shirt with Lando's name and number on it. Alright then. 

"I'm sorry?", I said and acted like I didn't hear her over the other screams from the background. 

"You and Lando should date.", she rephrased her statement and looked at me waiting. "You guys would be perfect for each other." I was a little uncomfortable but laughed at the comment. I noticed some laughter and irony in her voice, so I tried to use that to my advantage. With a grin on my face, I answered: 

"You guys know I have a boyfriend, right?"

I gave the sharpie back to the second girl and smiled at them one more as I started to turn around. My feet started to walk to the car, which was now only a couple of metres away. Still, even though there were a lot of screams, questions and statements, I managed to hear the girl in the Lando shirt once more. 

"I think you should ditch Lucas! Nothing against him, though. But Lando would be better." A peal of laughter once more escaped my lips and I shook my head lightly. Julian held the car door open for me and I got in with one foot already. Stopping in the process, I looked back at the three girls. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now