Chapter 37

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"You better give me a goddamn good reason why you haven't been home in the past two days!" Fifi's voice destroyed my ears as she picked up my phone call on the second beep. The volume in my car was way too loud for her screaming. My hand immediately went to the volume control and turned it down. I lifted the hand to my right ear and rubbed it softly. 

"Well, and you better pay my doctor's bill for getting my ears checked after being yelled at by you.", I said back in a serious tone, even though it was meant by a joke. Fifi stayed silent for a moment, which wasn't a good sign. I could tell she was mad, and I was really scared about what she would be doing to me. 

"Look, I texted you I was fine, right?", I then asked her quietly. 

"You did, but that's not the same.", Fifi argued back. "I was worried sick! I had no idea where you were, so if anything had happened to you, I would have never been able to tell the police where you were!"

"That's a bit much, don't you think?", I shot back.

"Is it?", Fifi asked back seriously. "You're famous now, Tia. You have fans, and haters, I might remind you. And you just kind of ruined Lucas' career. So people are coming for you. So no, I don't think it's much." Deep in me, I knew she was just worried about me and that she only wanted the best for me. And I saw now that I should have told her exactly where I was for the past two days. 

"I'm sorry.", I then admitted my fault. "I really am. I should have told you before but that's why I called you. I wanted to tell you something." Fifi stayed silent for some moments, then I heard her inhale. 

"Alright. What is it?", she was now a little more relaxed and her tone told me she was excited about the things I was going to tell her. 

"I've been at Lando's house for the past two days." I kept my words short and cut off right after I said the last word of the sentence. I knew Fifi would freak out so I let her scream everything out that she needed to get off her chest right now. 

"No, Tia. Don't play with me!", she said breathlessly after she screamed at the top of her lungs for some seconds. I laughed but didn't say anything more to show her I was dead serious.

"Oh my god, Tia. That's amazing. Tell me everything that happened. And don't leave out details, if you know what I mean."

I just knew Fifi was wiggling her eyebrows right now. She was excited to hear all the gossip and details but I knew I needed to disappoint her. Nothing had happened between Lando and me. After we went to bed on the first night, we had some breakfast together and I wanted to leave. The weather had other plans though as it was pouring cats and dogs and I could barely see my hand in front of my body.

Lando denied me from leaving the house, not even speaking of driving in these conditions. I gave up after he picked me up and carried me back to the living room as I tried to sneak out of the house multiple times. So we spent the second day in his living room playing video games and watching movies. We even ended up watching a couple of episodes of Toxic, and he especially loved the moments where I couldn't watch my performance because they were so cringy and repeated them about a hundred times. 

"Look, nothing exciting happened. We just watched some movies together and played some video games because he wouldn't let me drive home in the pouring rain.", I explained and set my indicator to the left side as I stopped at a traffic light. 

"He cares so much about you.", Fifi remarked and I smiled.

"He does.", I agreed. "And I've never felt this great. When I'm with him, he treats me like I'm the best thing in the world. After everything that happened with Lucas and my family, it is like therapy."

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