Chapter 7

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As soon as we entered the paddock, Julian had set up four spontaneous interviews for me. They went smoothly and the last one I did was with Sky Sports F1. It was the most fun interview I had been doing in the past weeks. Natalie Pinkham was amazing at her job and seemed interested in my backstory of Formula 1 and my person. We made actual jokes, I had a lot of fun and felt comfortable. 

"Now in your show, there is a conflict between your character and the character's best friend because of the boy situation Bits is involved in." I nodded. This was one of the conflict storylines my character had to go through this season. I actually thought this storyline alongside the conflict with the parents was the most interesting one and the points where my character could learn and evolve herself. "Do you actually have or did you have those problems with friends or family in real life? Like is there any drama going on right now?" I laughed a little. I thought this was a sports channel and not some channel that discussed the latest gossip around celebrities. Not that I was a big celebrity. 

"No, I do not.", I said with a big smile on my face. "Sorry to disappoint but everybody in my life is very supportive and loyal. Whether it is my family or my friends or my boyfriend. I love them all dearly and I think they would never, ever betray me. But of course, we all have our difficulties or discussions and fights, but that's not something you throw away a friendship for." In my head, this explanation sounded reasonable and good. I just hoped the same message got received by both Natalie and the viewers. Natalie nodded off camera and also had a big smile on her face. 

"Any of the ones mentioned are into F1 as well?", she followed her question. 

"No, not people that you don't know of.", I said and saw somebody in orange stopping next to the camera. I quickly made eye contact with the person. It was Lando. He looked at me interested and smiled. Without getting distracted I sent him a slight smile that shouldn't be seen on camera and continued with my answer.  "I mean, you know of my father who is a big racing fan. And I guess my brothers do like to watch it sometimes when they have time, but other than them, no. Unfortunately not. I tried to get my best friend into F1, but she fell asleep during the first race I watched with her and hasn't tried it since." Natalie laughed and there was even a smile on Lando's face. 

"Maybe you should try once more. Maybe there is more luck this time?", Natalie suggested and I raised my eyebrows.

"That's a good idea. Maybe I should. I'll bring it up the next time I see her.", I promised. Suddenly, some drops of rain hit me on my shoulders and head but I tried to ignore them as far as I could. 

"That sounds lovely. Maybe Formula One will have a new fan then?"

"Maybe.", I laughed as the rain suddenly got more. 

"Well, thank you for your time and enjoy the race.", Natalie ended the interview and the camera shifted onto her as she did a small outro. Soon the camera was off of live TV and Natalie turned to me. She quickly hugged me and thanked me once more for the interview. 

"My pleasure.", I said as I gave some guy of the camera team my mic pack and microphone. Rain was steadily falling from the sky now and slowly drenching both me and Natalie. I looked around for Julian but he walked away during the interview to answer a phone call. Damn it. I actually packed a raincoat for this case. Even though my stylists said it was supposed to be great weather today, I packed one just in case. And I was happy I did, but now Julian had my bag and was nowhere to be seen. 

"Here, take this.", a voice said behind me and I turned around. Lando was facing me and hold up an orange and grew raincoat of his team. A smile was set on his lips and he looked at me determinant. He was only wearing a tight white shirt that had a lot of advertisements on it, but I could tell from his look that he wasn't here for discussion. I took the team jacket out of his hand and smiled. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now