Chapter 1

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Finally, I saved the document I've been working on for the past weeks on my computer. 20+ pages of pure torture, first researching the topic I chose, and then analysing the entire data I gained over the past weeks. But nothing could beat the feeling of finally being done. Quickly, I send the document to my best friend Fifi, so she can go through it and correct possible grammar or spelling errors. I felt my shoulders relaxing as soon as I send the email. I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. My eyes have been sore from looking at the screen for so long. I looked outside, the sun was about to set and tinted the grey clouds in a slight orange. I closed my eyes for a moment, just to relax and to clear my thoughts. I didn't know how long I sat like that, but a sudden loud ringtone made me jump a little. My phone buzzed and showed the picture of my manager that I took on our last business trip. While taking another breath, I picked up.

"Hi, Julian!", I answered happily. Nervous, about what he wanted to talk to me about, I grabbed the coffee cup off the table. The now cold fluid ran down my throat. 

"Hey, Tia! How are you?", he said, revealing his posh accent. To me, sometimes, it sounded just weird. I cannot imagine how my accent sounds to him though. It must be at least just as weird as it is for me. 

"I'm good, just finished my last project for my last class at uni." Relief was heard in my voice. He knew exactly how much this project has been stressing me out. 

"That's neat!", he said. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the airing of 'Toxic'. Netflix wanted to release it tomorrow, kind of as a surprise release, without much advertising." This took me by surprise. The set release date wasn't even for another four weeks. I talked to them specifically about that, so I could graduate from university first. 

"Why now? I thought we agreed to wait until after my graduation?", I asked and put the coffee cup down. 

"I know we agreed on it, but the producers and publishers changed their mind. There was an announcement of Amazon Prime, which came up with new release dates of their shows and Netflix just wanted to retaliate that by releasing Toxic." His explanation sounded good, but I still wasn't sure. I didn't want to deal with the attention in uni. That was the deal with both Netflix and my family.

"I don't know, Julian.", I told my worries. "I mean, I had my plans. It was all structured for many months and now I should just throw that away?"

"I know it is short-term and spontaneous, but Tia, I really think this could be better both for you and your career. And you do not have many classes left. I think you will handle that just fine." My manager was set to convince me. He was set on the decision by Netflix to release it tomorrow. His only job was to get me to agree as well and I knew Julian. He wouldn't stop until I agreed. I sighed just as loud so he could hear I wasn't fully convinced. 

"Alright. Fine.", I let out. "Tell Netflix I agree. But let me tell my parents. I think they will be pissed if they don't hear it from me." Julian let out a breath I didn't know he was holding in. 

"Tia, that's great! I will let them know immediately. Thank you!" I nodded slightly, even though he couldn't see it. I didn't care. "I'll talk to you this evening, when we meet for dinner, alright? Then I can give you all the details about upcoming interviews and other things."

"Alright, sounds good.", I answered hesitantly. The appointments, interviews, and possible attention will be tough to handle at first, I knew that. Even though it comes way quicker than I expected, I was ready. Nervous, but ready. My family had prepared me for that moment for a long time now and I knew how I should act. But still, it was a nerve-wracking thing to know that my life is most likely about to change. 

"Great. Talk to you soon. Bye." Without waiting for my goodbye, Julian has ended the call. I sighed again, dialling the number of my mother. In my mind, an environment created itself and showed her on the set of her new movie. I didn't know if she would pick up, but she did on the second ring. 

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