Chapter 5

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The interview went smoothly. I mean, the questions weren't something special and it was just a plain and normal conversation between the interviewers and me. Mostly about my past with F1 and of course my career and the show. But no questions were really interesting. Most of them were superficial, nothing I could answer in detail or give new information out to the public. It almost felt like Julian had looked over the questions beforehand and took out the most interesting ones. He probably did. Sometimes I wished the interviews would be more fun, or at least more creative. A reporter like Daniel would really spice things up and make things a lot more fun. But I cannot have everything. I had to work with the reporters I got.

We had just said goodbye to the reporters and Julian went to my side, holding my bag. I grabbed it from him and we walked in silence towards the car that was waiting for us to get to the hotel. We arrived soon, and both sat down in the seats. 

"Where's my father?", I asked my manager as he instructed the driver to leave the parking lot. Julian didn't look at me when he answered, but instead looked down onto the phone in his hand. 

"He already left for the hotel.", he plainly said. I nodded, not talking more during the short car ride to the hotel. Just when the driver stopped the car in front of the big luxurious hotel, my phone went off. The picture of Lucas appeared on the phone and I happily picked it up. We had been texting the past days and weeks because we have been both so busy, but it's not the same as actually talking to him. Even though it was only through the phone. 

"Hey, honey.", I greeted him. I bet he could hear the smile that was on my lips. 

"Hey, babe. How are you?", he asked me. 

"I'm fine, and yourself?" I stepped out of the car and closed the door behind me. Julian was already at the back of the car and pulled out my suitcase and the guitar that I've brought to this trip. I thought I could finally find the time to play again. 

"Yea, good. Tired from waking up so early each day.", he admitted honestly and a small chuckle escaped my lips. 

"You've never been a morning person.", I remembered him and he agreed with a sound. Julian handed me my guitar bag and I put it on my back, so my hands were free. I grabbed my suitcase and started walking towards the entrance, pushing the suitcase in front of me. 

"Yea but you are. Why did I agree to date you?" I knew he was joking, so I went along and laughed with him as I passed the glass door and Julian went to the reception to check us both in. 

"The better question is, why did I agree to date somebody who normally doesn't function before 12 pm?", I shot back at him, still laughing. 

"Touchè.", he then said as our laughter quiet down. 

"How many days of shooting are left?" My voice went a little more serious for this question. It just didn't feel right to talk about work with an attitude of joking around. 

"7 days, spread over two weeks.", he explained to me. I nodded as Julian came back to me and handed me a key card which was wrapped in a white paper. Room number 751. That was pretty high up. A yawn escaped me when I followed Julian towards the elevators. 

"That's nice. This way you have some rest days in between.", I said. 

"You're right. I didn't think of it that way.", he laughed. "I only saw how many days are still going to be torture, with waking up at 6 am." 

"You're unbelievable.", I said as another yawn escaped my mouth. I knew I was knackered before, but now I think I was sleep-deprived. It certainly felt like it. 

"Are you going back to the hotel soon? You seem dead tired.", Lucas noticed. Some other person stopped and waited for the elevator right next to my left side. I could see that out of the corner of my eye. I didn't even notice until then that I have been watching the floor for the entirety of the phone call.

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