Chapter 4 - Mo Xuanyu

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The city is bustling with energy and life. Every vendor sells their own produce and lively sell it to the passerby. It's been 13 years and is still peaceful other than occasional attacks from ghosts, evil elements and fierce corpses that the cultivators deal with. One man happily skipped and enjoyed his shopping with a bag on his shoulders.

"Woah! This looks amazing!" He said as he held a candy art. His name is Mo Xuanyu. A very eccentric man at the age of 24-years old. The seller gave him a weird look. Mo Xuanyu's face was covered with white powder on his face.

"Go away! You're disrupting my business!" The seller angrily yelled at the poor man. Mo Xuanyu blinked and made face before putting back the candy art.

"Such a rude old man! I was about to buy it but never mind! Hope your business burn down!" Mo Xuanyu left and shook his head while grumbling. "His works are good but his attitude is soo poor! No wonder he doesn't sell much! He also smells bad, I think he didn't take a bath for a long time! Eww!"

Before he goes back to the Mo Mansion where he works together with his sister, Mo Lian. He stopped by an entertainment house where a storyteller tells a story of every gossip or story from other places. But this time, the story is about someone who people condemn.

"The Yiling Patriarch, Wei Wuxian died after the siege." The storyteller said and looked behind him secretly but Mo Xuanyu noticed it and glance at the place. He only saw was a silhouette of a person behind a thin fabric but then he choose to ignore it.

"As you have said, Yiling Patriarch, Wei Wuxian died for sure, right?" Mo Xuanyu looked to where the voice came from and saw a young man in a white robe with a cloud pattern, not far from his age, said it with full curiosity. He was also sitting with five more people beside him. The storyteller was taken aback by the question and looked behind him again. Mo Xuanyu got curious about who was that man was. He crossed his arms and scratch the tip of his nose then with powder laid on his fingers. He blinked when he saw it. He immediately went towards a nearby pond and saw his face that was full of white powder.

"F*CK!" He exclaimed. Then he realize that his voice was too loud and everybody was looking at him weirdly and with disgust. Mo Xuanyu nervously laughs and wave his hands means that they can resume what they are talking about. The storyteller cleared his throat.

"Ahh, he certainly fell off the cliff. However, for the past 16 years, the young clan leader, Jiang Wanyin still hasn't found his body even though he searched the bottom of the cliff. It is said that the Yiling Patriarch have abilities to shake the earth and move the mountains. Although we've had 16 years of peace, who can say for sure that, Wei Wuxian the Yiling Patriarch, won't come back in the present?" he said with a clear voice. Everyone started to chatter. Then the whole place dimmed. Mo Xuanyu looked outside and saw that black clouds started to form. Then he immediately realize that rain will come and his laundry will be soaked if he didn't go back early.

"Nooo! The clothes!" He didn't want to do the laundry again and he sped off to the Mo Mansion. His Auntie will definitely kill him! But the other's thought is more ominous than Mo Xuanyu.

Mo Xuanyu was busy cutting woods when a girl walked towards him with a smile holding a basket with foods. Mo Xuanyu smiled when he saw her.

"Gege! I brought some foods!" Mo Lian put the basket on the stone table near his brother. Mo Xuanyu put the axe down and walked towards his sister with a smile. But it immediately disappeared when he saw his sister's face was swollen.

"A-Lian! Who bullied you?" He held his sister's face. Mo Lian looked on the other way.

"I hurt myself, Gege! No one bullied me!" She explained. Mo Xuanyu sighed and shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"I am sure, it was Auntie's fault! If not for mother telling us to come here before she died, I would have taken you to another place!" Mo Lian smiled and held his brother's hands.

"Gege, where will we go then? The Mo's is the only thing we have after the Jin's threw us out of Jinlintai." Mo Xuanyu looked at his sister and sighed.

"Then we will look for a place for us! Don't worry, if we saved up some money we can go to another place. A village far from here and we can live in peace," Mo Xuanyu said. Mo Lian smiled and nodded.

"I believe Gege!" Mo Lian said. Mo Xuanyu smiled and nodded before patting his sister's head. Then Mo Xuanyu remembers something.

"Ey! You mischievious girl! Why didn't you tell your Gege that he has a flour on his face? I completely forgotten about it and went out to do some errands! No wonder why people see me as a lunatic outside." Mo Lian giggled.

"Gege is so cute with it so I didn't tell you!" She answered while laughing. Mo Xuanyu pouted.

"Naughty!" He tickled his sister and laughter erupts to the place. Then after a tickle section, they eat together.

"So, did you go the entertainment house? What is the storyteller story today?" she asked. His brother hummed and looked at the sky.

"They talked about Yiling Patriarch," he said. Mo Lian stiffened and put her attention to his brother's story. "They were talking about him. Someone asked if he was really dead but the story teller said that the YunmengJiang Sect continued to look for the body but they can't find it at all. They weren't sure if he was really dead or not."

"I see." Mo Lian continued to eat. Mo Xuanyu looked at his sister and asked her.

"What do you think? Do you think that he's dead too?" Mo Lian stopped eating and looked at his brother before smiling.

"Well, we do not know. He might be dead or he might not. It depends on how they think about it." Mo Xuanyu found his sister's answer reasonable and continued to eat. Then a child came running towards them.

"Lian-jiejie! Xuan-gege!" The child called with a smile. Mo Xuanyu and Mo Lian welcomed the child. The child was panting to catch his breath.

"A-Zhi is there something wrong?" Mo Xuanyu asked. Zhi sighed deeply before looking at them.

"The madam has a guest that came from the Gusulan Sect! They arrived just now. She wants us to serve them throughly." Mo Xuanyu rolled his eyes and sighed.

"They just want us to have more things to do!" Mo Xuanyu angrily yelled. Mo Lian sighed and shook her head.

"You're just too lazy to do things," Mo Lian said. Her brother just pouted but wondered why they ask for Gusulan Sect to come to the manor.

"Do you know why they ask the Gusulan Sect to come here?" he asked. Zhi was eating a snack when he looked at Mo Xuanyu.

"Xuan-gege, didn't you know that the manor is being pestered by ghosts?" Mo Xuanyu's right eyebrow raised.

"I've been hearing about them but I never saw one at all! Is that really true?" Zhi nodded.

"Yes its true, Xuan-gege! Tong-gege was doing a night watch when he saw a black figure loitering around which scared him out because of its hideous face!" Zhi shivered at his own thoughts. But Mo Xuanyu was not convinced about the story.

"Maybe it was just his imagination!" Zhi shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat. Mo Xuanyu smirked and get the snack and eat it teasing his junior. Zhi was surprised and looked at his Lian-jiejie.

"Lian-jiejie! Xuan-gege is bullying me! He snatch my snack!" Mo Xuanyu make a shocked face.

"Me? This is my snack! How it became yours? My sister prepared it for me!" Mo Xuanyu teased. The poor boy started to tear up. Mo Xuanyu immediately felt guilty and sighed. He went for his robe and give him candies he bought earlier. "Okay, okay! Stop crying."

"You should stop bullying children, gege! Think about your future children," Mo Lian said and laughs. "For sure, your partner will always smack your butt."

"Hey! Who will smack my butt! That won't happen!" After cleaning up, they went to the main hall as per the Mo heads instructions.

A/n: double update! Pardon my Grammatical Erros and Spelling. See you soon!

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