Maura, mum, dad, Gemma and Greg understood us and murmured their goodbyes as they left Niall and I all alone.

"Harry, I don't know anymore. Our time together is slowly decreasing and I don't know if I can survive without you" Niall said and I kissed his lips to shush him, ignoring as little girl who passed by gasped. 

"At least we can prove that out love is truly strong. This is just a test, another obstacle. Like Justin and Taylor, it may be unbearable at first but in the end, it's gonna make our love stronger" I said, "eat up baby, I don't want you to starve" and Niall nodded.

"Ever since I met you, nothing has been the same" Niall said, smiling at me. "I never thought I'd finally fall in love" he said while opening his paper bag and grabbing a ham sandwich.

"I never thought I'd be gay" I chuckled, watching him smile as he bit into the sandwich.

"You want one?" Niall asked and my eyes grew wide.

"Is Niall actually sharing his food?" I asked with a mocking tone, grabbing my own chest to add in some dramatic effect.

"Cherish it; this only happens once in a blue moon" Niall said, rolling his eyes but still nudging the sandwich at my lips. I locked eyes with him once more and took a slow bite, smirking as Niall eyes my mouth hungrily.

And being the new found tease I am, I decided to lick my lips.

"Dammit Harry, do that one more time and I won't even be ashamed of taking you here in public" Niall groaned I gulped, his seductive voice doing all sorts of things to me.

"Bring it Horan" I challenged instead and that's how I found myself lying on the chairs as Niall attacked me hungrily, kissing every part of my skin while lying down on top of me. 

"Break it up you two" we heard Greg said and Niall pulled away, his cheeks clearly tinted with pink as Greg snickered and Gemma rolled her eyes.

"You don't want to get in trouble because of too much PDA, do you" Greg chuckled and Niall's cheeks turned redder if that was even possible.

"Shut up" Niall said and bit his sandwich and I laughed at how adorable my boyfriend is.

We spent the next hour just walking around the airport and stealing kisses from each other in corners where no one can see us.

The time has finally come when my parents called me over because we will be boarding in 10 minutes.

"Harry" Niall said, looking at me deeply in the eyes and pulling me in for a hug and then a passionate kiss. I kissed him back, not caring that we were in front of our family and other boarding passengers.

"I'll miss you" I said as I started walking away yet never breaking eye contact with him.

"I love you" Niall said, watching me leave.

"I do as well" I said as people started blocking my view of Niall. 

"Always?" Niall shouted and I took one last look at him before shouting back.


We boarded the plane and I spent 8 hours staring into the sky and remembering Niall's eyes. I miss him so badly; I wonder what he's doing right now.

"It's been a week" I said to the screen. It's been a week since Niall and I separated and college will be starting in two days.

"One week too ling" Niall said, pouting from across the screen and taking a bit from his pizza. I chuckled. Some things never change.

 "If I could bail uni and just go there, wherever you are, trust me, I would" I said, sighing sadly.

"I will" Niall said and I sighed sadly.

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