It was even double that whenever Hikaru would play with him and to this day, nobody except for Aija had as much harmony with him as Takumi did. Music was one big link of their friendship from the start and Hikaru knew that link would never break, even if from time to time they did have their differences.

"I can't wait to hear you play."

Takumi paused and fixed Hikaru with an amused grin before pointing over to a chair situated next to his piano. A music stand stood in front of it, making Hikaru shake his head with a just as amused sigh. After removing his suit jacket, he made his way into the studio over to where a violin case sat on the chair.

"You could have just told me you wanted to play, baka," Hikaru said, looking over at his best friend.

"Nani? Without the element of surprise? Where's the fun in that?"

Taking out the violin without gracing Takumi with an answer, Hikaru looked it over. Because it wasn't his, he always felt a bit of irritation with it not being tuned to his standards. Takumi, however, had been a few steps ahead of him, making sure the bow had resin on it and that the strings were tuned how he liked it.

"Baiorin o chūningu shite kurete arigatō, watashi no tomodachi. Thank you for tuning the violin, my friend."

"Dōitashimashite. You're welcome. I made this song slow-paced so you can ease back into things. I know you don't play every day like you used to."

Hikaru nodded in agreement, placing the violin under his chin, studying the musical notes as Takumi settled on the bench of his piano. The two met eye contact and gave one more nod to each other before Takumi began to play a slow, repetitive tune with the ivory keys.

Once it was his turn, Hikaru started playing the instrument in his hand, the mellow tones of the violin reaching in and soothing his spirit. His music mixed harmoniously with Takumi's, their song reaching a crescendo of tones that rose and dipped before swirling around one another. He loved this. This was one of the elements he did, and he did well.

The music between the two resonated within the space of the studio, both men starting to play with their eyes closed, knowing by heart the sounds of the keys. The song lasted about five minutes but for Hikaru and Takumi it felt like hours. After they played they decided to catch up.

"So, Aija went back home?" Takumi asked as he played back the recording of them playing at a low volume. He glanced at his best friend who sat leaned back on a chair, nodding.

"Hai. Just for her aunt's wedding though."

"So why didn't you join her? Were you not invited?"

Hikaru explained the situation with the clinic and Takumi nodded before letting him know that he wouldn't mind helping him out if he wanted to get on the Tengoku and head back to the States.

"I wouldn't want to inconvenience you, Taku. You live further away from me than in our old days."

Takumi waved him away. "Just let me know and I'll help with whatever you need."

Hikaru put a hand on his heart. He had the greatest best friend. Bar none. "Arigato, Takumi."

"Hey... we're here." A voice called out, prompting Hikaru and Takumi to glance over towards the door where Briseis came in holding a gray and black baby carrier covered with a white linen blanket in the crook of her arm. She looked up and, pleasantly surprised to see Hikaru, she smiled.

"Hi, Hikaru-kun!" 

Hikaru raised his chin in greeting, returning the smile. "Hey, Aoi. Bring that godson of mine over here." He made grabbing fingers as Briseis walked over to them, letting Takumi relieve her of the carrier.

Vena Cava (Medicinal Love Book Two) IN HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now