Chapter 9

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June 13, 2012 | 6:04 am

It was rare that Aija was up before Hikaru was.

But she had managed to put on her alarm for two reasons. One was to pack to be ready to go back to North Carolina. Evelyn and Preston's wedding was soon to arrive on the weekend and, being a part of the wedding party, Aija knew she had to leave way ahead of time.

Two was to call Genevieve. It was 5 pm where she was and a good time to catch her before it got too late in the evening. She was all too happy to hear her voice, and they quickly got started back on wedding plans.

"We have some time before the whirlwind that is about to be Evelyn's wedding so we can do some more planning. Do you know where you might want the venue to be for the ceremony and the reception?"

Aija thought about it as she sat outside in the courtyard against the wall of the house in her robe and pajamas, holding on to her planner book she had been using for her wedding plans. She was grateful that the sun had been rising, giving her soft light to see with.

"Actually no. Not at the moment because we haven't moved back to Seattle yet, and that's where our wedding is going to be. I'll Google some places to look at when we get there and let you know."

"Fair enough, Boo. You've still got a good amount of time for that. Especially since the burden of finance is off of your shoulders. You're one of the lucky ones, ma'am."

Aija gave her aunt a laugh. "I'm aware of that, Auntie Gen. Every day I have to remind myself that I'm marrying a millionaire. Isn't that weird?"

"Not really. You've always been the humble type, Aija. Money didn't just grow off of trees for you as a child, even though you are Derrick's daughter. Now you have more money than you know what to do with and it's awkward for you."

She had it to a T.

Aija still struggled with the knowledge of having vast amounts of money, knowing she wouldn't be used to it and would probably be still shopping at Ross for her designer clothes. She had noticed that Hikaru wasn't exactly please with that, though she didn't understand why. He knew how she was raised. Excessive money just wasn't what she wanted to deal with. If he wanted to give it to her, that was fine. But in no way was she just going to start expecting it daily. Even thinking about money changing her made her feel disgusted with herself.

She could hear Genevieve typing on her keyboard through the phone and smile, imagining her concentrated look with the tip of her tongue sticking out. "What about the wedding party? Do you know how big you two are thinking of for it?"

With this question, Aija grimaced. She and Hikaru really were slacking when it was coming to their wedding planning and to be honest, she really wasn't sure how she felt about that. Shouldn't it be a priority? With that, she scrambled together for some kind of answer.

"I'm not sure about Hikaru, but I know that I have three ladies in mind for me. However, one of the ladies is the maid of honor. So yeah...not much to choose from." She already knew she was going to ask Shae and Marabelle to be a part of the wedding. But other than that... she had no clue.

Damn, was she really that lacking in friends? It obviously was time to widen her social circle.

As if reading her thoughts, Genevieve spoke. "Aija, there are some weddings that have only one person in the wedding party. It's not unheard of, baby. So two bridesmaids would be just fine. "

Feeling reassured of this, Aija answers again. "My maid of honor is going to be Shae and my two bridesmaids will be Briseis and Marabelle. There!"

Genevieve clapped lightly in applause and Aija sighed in relief. One obstacle over and done with. "I'll talk to Hikaru about his guys."

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