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011. ❝ you know you're my number one girl, stella
— you're my best friend,
i'll love you forever —

𝐊𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 walked towards one of the jetties. When perfectly timed the three boys appeared on the HMS Pogue next to us. "Good morning ladies," JJ chirped.

"Get through the storm alright?" Pope asked us but kept his gaze fixed on Kiara.

That boy was so in love.

"Yeah we had a nice girls night," Kie answered as she stepped into the boat with JJ's help.

"And what have you got there?" I took JJ's hand while I carefully stepped onto the boat with the cooler box in the other hand.

"You know, the usual," I put the cooler in the middle and passed everyone a beer. "Joghurts and carrot sticks, we aim to please."

"And please you do," John B smiled as he sped up the boat.

"Cheers," the glasses bottles clinked, as the summer heat burned its way into my back.

"To having a good time all the time," I raised my beer and took a long drink from the cooling beverage.

"To having a good time all the time," the others repeated as we sped down the march.

JJ stood up walking toward the front of the boat. "Let me show you a trick Stella," he winked.

"His party trick," Pope rolled his eyes and kept steering. "Absolutely terrifying," John B told me, pointing toward the blonde who was now at the very front of the boat.

"Hey Pope, can you go a little faster?" he lifted his foot and angled the beer so that it would pour into his mouth. Only did nothing actually hit his mouth, instead, all of us were getting drenched.

"Doesn't work," JB stated looking concerned at JJ, and he held his hand in front of his face . "We've tried this 6,000 times," Kie informed me, disapprovingly shaking her head.

JJ's beer splattered everyone, getting everyone soaked in it. "You're getting beer in my hair!"

"Please stop," I laughed at J's persistence.

"You're don‒," before Pope could finish that sentence, the boat came to a sudden halt,  catapulting me to the front of the boat. "Jesus Pope."

Grunts and moans were audible from all corners of the boat. "You ok there J?" I asked looking into the water at the blond boy.

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